Fast tensor operations using a convenient index notation.
- Fully compatible with Julia v0.5.
Install with the package manager, Pkg.add("TensorOperations")
The TensorOperations.jl package provides a convenient macro interface to specify tensor operations such as tensor contractions and index permutations via index notation. The index notation is analyzed at compile time and the resulting operations are then computed by efficient (cache-friendly) methods. Implementations are provided for arbitrary StridedArray
instances, i.e. dense arrays whose data is layed out in memory in a strided fashion. In particular, TensorOperations.jl deals with objects of Julia's built-in Array
and SubArray
type. It can however also easily be extended to custom user defined types by overloading a miminal set of functions.
TensorOperations.jl is centered around 3 basic tensor operations:
- addition: Add a (possibly scaled version of) one array to another array, where the indices of the both arrays might appear in different orders. This operation combines normal array addition and index permutation. It includes as a special case copying one array into another with permuted indices, and provides a cache-friendly (and thus more efficient) alternative to
from Julia Base. - trace or inner contraction: Perform a trace/contraction over pairs of indices of an array, where the result is a lower-dimensional array.
- contraction : Performs a general contraction of two tensors, where some indices of one array are paired with corresponding indices in a second array. Contains as special case the outer product where no indices are contracted and a new array is created with a number of dimensions that is the sum of the number of dimensions of the two original arrays.
The prefered way to specify (a sequence of) tensor operations is by using the @tensor
macro which accepts an index notation format, which includes Einstein's summation convention. This can most easily be explained using a simple example:
using TensorOperations
@tensor begin
D[a,b,c] = A[a,e,f,c,f,g]*B[g,b,e] + α*C[c,a,b]
E[a,b,c] := A[a,e,f,c,f,g]*B[g,b,e] + α*C[c,a,b]
In the second to last line, the result of the operation will be stored in the preallocated array D
, whereas the last line uses a different assignment operator :=
in order to define a new array E
of the correct size. The contents of D
and E
will be equal.
Following Einstein's summation convention, the result is computed by first tracing/contracting the 3rd and 5th index of array A
. The resulting array will then be contracted with array B
by contracting its 2nd index with the last index of B
and its last index with the first index of B
. The resulting array has three remaining indices, which correspond to the indices a
and c
of array A
and index b
of array B
(in that order). To this, the array C
(scaled with α
) is added, where its first two indices will be permuted to fit with the order a,c,b
. The result will then be stored in array D
, which requires a second permutation to bring the indices in the requested order a,b,c
In this example, the labels were specified by arbitrary letters or even longer names. Any valid variable name is valid as a label. Note though that these labels are never interpreted as existing Julia variables, but rather are converted into symbols by the @tensor
macro. This means, in particular, that the specific tensor operations defined by the code inside the @tensor
environment are completely specified at compile time. Alternatively, one can also choose to specify the labels using literal integer or character constants, such that also the following code specifies the same operation as above. Finally, it is also allowed to use primes to denote different indices
@tensor D[å,ß,c'] = A[å,1,'f',c','f',2]*B[2,ß,1] + α*C[c',å,ß]
The index pattern is analyzed at compile time and wrapped in appropriate types such that the result of the operation can be computed with a minimal number of temporaries. The use of @generated
functions further enables to move as much of the label analysis to compile time. You can read more about these topics in the section "Implementation" below.
The elementary tensor operations can also be accessed via functions, mainly for compatibility with older versions of this toolbox. The function-based syntax is also required when the contraction pattern is not known at compile time but is rather determined dynamically.
These functions come in a mutating and non-mutating version. The mutating versions mimick the argument order of some of the BLAS functions, such as blascopy!
, axpy!
and gemm!
. Symbols A
and B
always refer to input arrays, whereas C
is used to denote the array where the result will be stored. The greek letters α
and β
denote scalar coefficients.
tensorcopy!(A, labelsA, C, labelsC)
Copies the data of array
, according to the label pattern specified bylabelsA
. The result of this function is equivalent topermutedims!(C,A,p)
is the permutation such thatlabelsC=labelsA[p]
. -
tensoradd!(α, A, labelsA, β, C, labelsC)
withβ C + α A
with an additional permutation of the data in arrayA
according to the order to go fromlabelsA
. -
tensortrace!(α, A, labelsA, β, C, labelsC)
Replaces C with
β C + α A
where some of the indices ofA
are traced/contracted over, by assigning them unique labels inlabelsA
. Every label should appear exactly twice in the union oflabelsA
, either twice inlabelsA
(for indices that need to be contracted) or once in both arguments, for indicating the order in which the result of tracingA
needs to be added toC
. -
tensorcontract!(α, A, labelsA, conjA, B, labelsB, conjB, β, C, labelsC; method=:BLAS)
Replaces C with
β C + α A * B
, where some indices of arrayA
are contracted with corresponding indices in arrayB
by assigning them identical labels in the iterableslabelsA
. The argumentsconjA
should be of typeChar
and indicate whether the data of arraysA
, respectively, need to be conjugated (value'C'
) or not (value'N'
). Every label should appear exactly twice in the union oflabelsA
, either in the intersection oflabelsA
(for indices that need to be contracted) or in the interaction of eitherlabelsA
, for indicating the order in which the open indices should be match to the indices of the output arrayC
.There is an optional keyword argument
whose value can be:BLAS
. The first option creates temporary copies ofA
and the result where the indices are permuted such that the contractions become equivalent to a single matrix multiplication, which is typically handled by BLAS. This is often the fastest approach and therefore the default value, but it does require sufficient memory and there is some overhead in allocating new memory (e.g. when doing this many times in a loop). In casemethod
is set to:native
, a Julia function is called that performs the contraction without creating tempories, with special attention to cache-friendliness for maximal efficiency. See the "Implementation" section below for additional information. -
tensorproduct!(α, A, labelsA, B, labelsB, β, C, labelsC)
Replaces C with
β C + α A * B
without any indices being contracted.
The non-mutating functions are simpler in not allowing scalar coefficients and conjugation. They also take a default value for the labels of the output array if these are not specified. They are simply called as:
C = tensorcopy(A, IA, IC=IA)
C = tensoradd(A, IA, B, IB, IC=IA)
C = tensortrace(A, IA, IC=unique2(IA))
is an auxiliary function that eliminates any label that appears twice inIA
. -
C = tensorcontract(A, IA, B, IB, IC=symdiff(IA,IB); method=:BLAS)
C = tensorproduct(A, IA, B, IB, IC=union(IA,IB))
For type stability, the functions for tensor operations always assume the result to be an array, even if the result is a single number, e.g. when tracing all indices of an array or contracting all indices between two arrays. The auxiliary function scalar
can be used to extract the single non-zero component of a zero-dimensional array and store it in a non-container variable:
C = scalar(A)
Returns the single element of a length 1 array, e.g. a zero-dimensional array or any higher-dimensional array which has
Under the hood, the implementation is again centered around the basic unit operations: addition, tracing and contraction. These operations are implemented for arbitrary instances of type StridedArray
with arbitrary element types. The implementation can easily be extended to user defined types, especially if they just wrap multidimensional data with a strided memory storage, as explained below.
The building blocks resemble the functions discussed above, but have a different interface and are more general. They are used both by the functions as well as by the @tensor
macro, as discussed below. We here just summarize their functionality and further discuss the implementation for strided data in the next section. Note that these functions are not exported.
add!(α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA)
C = β*C+α*permute(op(A))
is permuted according toindCinA
or the identity map ifconjA=Val{:N}
. The indexable collectionindCinA
contains as nth entry the dimension ofA
associated with the nth dimension ofC
. -
trace!(α, A, conjA, β, C, indCinA, cindA1, cindA2)
C = β*C+α*partialtrace(op(A))
is permuted and partially traced, according toindCinA
, andop
or the identity map ifconjA=Val{:N}
. The indexable collectionindCinA
contains as nth entry the dimension ofA
associated with the nth dimension ofC
. The partial trace is performed by contracting dimensioncindA1[i]
with dimensioncindA2[i]
for alli in 1:length(cindA1)
. -
contract!(α, A, conjA, B, conjB, β, C, oindA, cindA, oindB, cindB, indCinoAB, [method])
C = β*C+α*contract(op(A),op(B))
are contracted according tooindA
. The operationop
acts asconj
or as the identity map ifconjA
) equalVal{:N}
. The dimensioncindA[i]
is contracted with dimensioncindB[i]
. Then
th dimension of C is associated with an uncontracted (open) dimension ofA
according toindCinoAB[n] < NoA ? oindA[indCinoAB[n]] : oindB[indCinoAB[n]-NoA]
the number of open dimensions ofA
.The optional argument
specifies whether the contraction is performed using BLAS matrix multiplication by specifyingVal{:BLAS}
, or using a native algorithm by specifyingVal{:native}
. The native algorithm does not copy the data but is typically slower. The BLAS-based algorithm is chosen by default, if the element type of the output array is inBase.LinAlg.BlasFloat
provides implementation for any Julia StridedArray{T,N}
for arbitrary element type T
and arbitrary dimensionality N
. The assumption that the multidimensional data has strided memory storage is crucial to the chosen implementation. It is generically not possible to simultaneously access the memory of the different arrays (A
and C
for add!
and trace!
, or A
, B
and C
for contract!
) in a cache-optimal way. Special care is given to cache-friendliness of the implementation by using a cache-oblivious divide-and-conquer strategy.
For add!
, trace!
and the native implementation of contract!
, the problem is recursively divided into smaller blocks by slicing along those dimensions which correspond to the largest strides for all of the arrays. When the subproblem reaches a sufficiently small size, it is evaluated by a separate kernel using a set of nested for loops. The implementation depends heavily on metaprogramming and Julia's unique @generated
functions to implement this strategy efficiently for any dimensionality. The minimal problem size is a constant which could be tuned depending on the cache size. The modularity of the implementation also allows to easily replace the kernels if better implementations would exist (e.g. when more SIMD features become available).
In order to deal with all types of StridedArray
in a uniform way, and also to enhance the extensibility to user-defined arrays, TensorOperations.jl
defines a new type StridedData{N,T,C}
. This immutable
wraps the strided data as a data::Vector{T}
, which should be thought of as a memory pointer to the relevant memory region. It also includes a field start::Int
such that data[start]
is the first item of the data and a field strides::NTuple{N,Int}
that defines how to access the other elements of the multidimensional data. Furthermore, it has a type parameter C
that specifies whether the data (C=:N
) or the conjugated data (C=:C
) should be used. Note that StridedData
does not include the dimensionality, this is always specified separately. Within the recursive divide-and-conquer algorithms, StridedData
groups the set of arguments that remains constant, whereas the dimensionality and an additional offset are updated when dividing the problem into smaller subproblems.
We now provide some additional details on the specific implementation of the three building blocks:
operation corresponds schematically toC = β C + α perm(op(A))
where the dimensions ofA
are permuted with respect to those ofC
. This operation generalizes theaxpy!
operation of BLAS to multidimensional arrays where the order of the different dimensions in both arrays can be different. The data inA
are wrapped in aStridedData
instance, and then passed on toadd_rec!
which implements the recursive divide-and-conquer strategy.Copying one array into another is a special case of addition corresponding to the choices
. Rather than providing a different implementation, special values0
are intercepted early on and replaced by special singleton typesZero()
. An auxiliary functionaxpby
which represents the operationα*x + β*y
together with Julia's multiple dispatch is then exploited in order to make sure that no unnecessary calculations are performed when multiplying/adding those special values. -
Tracing corresponds to the case where one or more pairs of dimensions of a higher-dimensional array
are traced/contracted and the result is added/copied to a lower-dimensional arrayC
. While addition could be seen as a special case of this operation with zero pairs of contracted dimensions, we did not find a way of expressing this special case with zero overhead. Therefore, these two operations have a separate though completely analogous implementation. -
, a native approach using the same divide-and-conquer strategy is also implemented. For big arrays whose element type is eitherFloat32
(the so-calledBase.LinAlg.BlasFloat
family), it is typically faster to rewrite the problem as a matrix multipliciation problem to be handled by the heavily tuned algorithm in the BLAS library. Thereto, the default implementation ofcontract!
will in that case useadd!
on the two input arraysA
to copy them to a permuted form such that the contraction is equivalent to matrix multiplication. A finaladd!
is then used to copy or add this result back onto the output arrayC
. While typically faster, this approach does require the allocation of temporary arrays to store the matrix equivalent ofA
. However, it only performs this copy when necessary and directly used the original arraysA
if possible.
Within an environment @tensor begin ... end
, the indexing brackets [...]
act as an assignment of a set of labels to a variable, which should be a multidimensional array. The names used inside the brackets are not interpreted as variables but transformed into symbols to be used as labels. Alternative label choices can be literal integers or characters. The @tensor
macro will transform any set of labels into an object of the singleton type Indices{I}
where the labels are stored as a tuple in the type parameter I
. The indexing expression A[a,b,c]
is transformed into an expression indexify(A,Indices{(:a,:b,:c)})
, where the indexify
function associates the indices with the object A
using a new type discussed below. The assignment of a tensor expression to an already existing object in the left hand side (corresponding to =
, +=
or -=
) is transformed into a call to deindexify!
. If the left hand side needs to be created and allocated (corresponding to :=
), a different call to the functions deindexify
is made. Those functions are elaborated on below. Finally, if the left hand side is not an index expression, because e.g. the tensor expression on right hand side evaluates to a zero-dimensional array, the right hand side is automatically wrapped into a scalar
call, to extract the single entry and store it in the non-array object on the left hand side.
To make use of the full generality of the building blocks, the macro based syntax depends on the following types. The indexify
function creates instances of the type IndexedObject{I,C,A,T}
, which wrap a multidimensional object object::A
(no restrictions on A
) and a scalar coefficient α::T
. The set of labels of the object is stored as a tuple in the type parameter I
, whereas the type parameter C
encodes the effect of conjugation. This means that conjugating an array and/or multiplying it with a scalar is a delayed or lazy operation: these operations are not evaluated directly but rather stored inside the field and the type parameters. A linear combination of several IndexedObject
instances is also not evaluated immediately but rather stored in an object of the type SumOfIndexedObjects{Os<:Tuple{Vararg{AbstractIndexedObject}}}
. Similarly, the multiplication of two IndexedObject
instances (which leads to contraction depending on their labels) gives rise to an object of ProductOfIndexedObjects{IA,IB,CA,CB,OA,OB,TA,TB}
Evaluation of these operations is postponed until they appear in a deindexify(!)
call corresponding to an assignment to the left hand side, or when they appear in a further set of operations, leading to the creation (=allocation) of a temporary array. The following call thus works without allocating any temporary array:
@tensor D[a,b,c] += α*A[a,c,b] + B[a,d,b,d,c] - conj(C[c,b,a])
Upon evaluation, first α*A
will be added to D
using a call to add!
, then a call to trace!
will add B
to this result, and a final call to add!
will add conj(C)
to this result. Because the labels are stored in the type parameters, a @generated
function is used to transform the label patterns into the correct arguments for add!
and trace!
at compile time.
If one of the terms contains a simple contraction of two arrays as in
@tensor D[a,b,c] = α*A[a,c,d,e]*conj(B[d,b,e]) + β*conj(C[c,b,a])
then still no memory is allocated for storing the intermedate result of the contraction. However, temporaries will likely be allocated in the default BLAS-based contract!
routine, as discussed in the previous section. As before, a @generated
function takes care of generating the correct arguments at compile time.
Any more advanced operation does need to create tempory arrays to store intermediate results. In particular:
- A contraction of three or more objects is evaluated as a pairwise contraction from left to right. Use parentheses to force a specific contraction order. See the section 'Planned features' for future ideas to automate this process.
- If one or both arguments of a pairwise contraction is itself a linear combination of multidimensional arrays, then it will be evaluated first.
The src
folder of TensorOperations.jl
contains four subfolders in which the code is organised. The folder implementation
contains the various parts of the implementation. The file stridedarray.jl
provides the functions add!
, trace!
and contract!
for arrays of type StridedArray
. This file contains the main code that needs to be implemented in order to support other, user-defined multidimensional objects. If those user types just wrap a set of strided data, the implementation should be a straightforward analog. The file recursive.jl
implements the divide-and-conquer algorithm for objects of type StridedData
, whereas kernels.jl
contains the kernels acting on the smallest subproblem. indices.jl
contains the functions for transforming label patterns occuring in the index notation into valid and useful arguments for the routines add!
, trace!
and contract!
. strides.jl
contain some @generated
functions to format the stride information in a shape that facilitates he implementation of the blocking strategy.
The folders functions
and indexnotation
contain the necessary code to support the function-based syntax and the @tensor
macro syntax respectively. In particular, the folder indexnotation
contains one file for the macro, and one file for each of the special types IndexedObject
, SumOfIndexedObjects
and ProductOfIndexedObjects
discussed above. Both the function and macro based syntax are completely general and should work for any multidimensional object, provided a corresponding implementation for add!
, trace!
and contract!
is provided.
Finally, the folder aux
contains some auxiliary code, such as some metaprogramming tools, the unique2
function which removes all elements of a list which appear more than once, the definition of the StridedData
type, the elementary axpby
operation and the definition of a dedicated IndexError
type for reporting errors in the index notation. Finally, there is a file stridedarray.jl
which provides some auxiliary abstraction to interface with the StridedArray
type of Julia Base. It contains the following function definitions:
Returns the number of indices of a tensor-like object
, i.e. for a multidimensional array (<:AbstractArray
) we havenumind(A) = ndims(A)
. Also works in type domain. -
similar_from_indices(T, indices, A, conjA=Val{:N})
Returns an object similar to
which has aneltype
given byT
and dimensions/sizes corresponding to a selection of those ofop(A)
, where the selection is specified byindices
(which contains integer between1
) andop
or does nothing ifconjA=Val{:N}
(default). -
similar_from_indices(T, indices, A, B, conjA=Val{:N}, conjB={:N})
Returns an object similar to
which has aneltype
given byT
and dimensions/sizes corresponding to a selection of those ofop(A)
concatenated, where the selection is specified byindices
(which contains integers between1
or does nothing ifconjA
(default). -
Returns the single element of a tensor-like object with zero dimensions, i.e. if
In summary, to add support for a user-defined tensor-like type, the functions in the files aux/stridedarray.jl
and implementation/stridedarray.jl
should be reimplemented. This should be rather straightforwarded if the type just wraps multidimensional data with a strided storage in memory.
The following features seem like interesting additions to the TensorOperations.jl
package, and might therefore appear in the future (not necessarily in this order).
- Functionality to contract a large set of tensors, also called a tensor network, including a method to optimize over the contraction order along the lines of arXiv:1304.6112v6.
- Implementation of a tensor contraction implementation that can immediately call the BLAS microkernels to act on small blocks of the arrays which are permuted into fixed size buffers.
- Implementation of a
macro that translates an expression with index notation directly into a raw set of nested loops. While loosing the advantage of cache-friendlyness for large arrays, this can be advantageous for smaller arrays. In addition, this would allow for more general expressions where functions of array entries are computed without having to allocate a temporary array, or where three or more dimensions are simultaneously summed over.