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Using AprilTags to localize cubes for robot stacking tasks.

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Object Localization using AprilTag ROS for Robotics

Built With

Getting Started

  1. Install ROS USB driver

    1. Clone ROS USB camera driver
      mkdir -p catkin_ws/src && cd catkin_ws/src
      git clone
    2. Create USB camera directory
      cd ..
    3. Set up ROS environment
      source ./devel/setup.bash  # need to run this command everytime a new terminal window is opened
    4. Build ennvironment
      cd src/usb_cam
      mkdir build && cd build
      cmake ..
    5. Check available cameras/webcams (make sure camera is connected)
      sudo apt-get install v4l-utils
      v4l2-ctl --list-devices
      # sample output
      # Integrated Camera (usb-0000:00:1a.0-1.6):
      #         /dev/video0
    6. Launch USB camera
      cd ..
      cd launch
      roslaunch usb_cam usb_cam-test.launch
  2. Install AprilTag_ros driver

    1. Clone AprilTag repo
      cd ~/  # or choose other installation location
      git clone
    2. Install AprilTag
      cd apriltag
      mkdir build && cd build
      cmake ..
      sudo make install
    3. Clone AprilTag_ros repo and install
      cd ~/catkin_ws/src
      git clone
      cd ..
  3. Camera Calibration

    1. Install ROS camera calibration package
      sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-camera-calibration
    2. Perform camera calibration
      roslaunch usb_cam usb_cam-test.launch  # turn on USB camera
      rosrun camera_calibration --size 8x6 --square 0.024 image:=/usb_cam/image_raw camera:=/usb_cam

    The example above uses an 8x6 checkerboard with 24mm squares (Calibration uses the interior vertex points of the checkerboard, so an "9x7" board uses the interior vertex parameter "8x6" as in the example below).

    Download the official ROS 8x6 checkerboard here.

    Move checkerboard up/down/left/right until "CALIBRATE" button turns green, then click on "CAILIBRATE", wait for the system to complete calibration calculation, then click on "SAVE", then "COMMIT".

    When you click on the "Save" button after a succesfull calibration, the data (calibration data and images used for calibration) will be written to /tmp/calibrationdata.tar.gz.


  1. Using AprilTag_Ros and Detecting AprilTags
    1. go to /apriltag_ros/apriltag_ros/config and configure settings.yaml and tags.yaml.

      check out for parameter setup.

      1. settings.yaml
        tag_family:        'tag36h11'
        tag_border:        1 
        tag_threads:       2 
        tag_decimate:      1.0 
        tag_blur:          0.0 
        tag_refine_edges:  1 
        tag_refine_decode: 0 
        tag_refine_pose:   0 
        tag_debug:         0 
        publish_tf:        true
      2. tags.yaml (Values based on the diagram below)
            {id: 10, size: 0.15},
            {id: 20, size: 0.1},
            {id: 30, size: 0.07}
              name: 'my_bundle',
                  {id: 0, size: 0.05, x: 0.0000, y: 0.0000, z: 0.0, qw: 1.0, qx: 0.0, qy: 0.0, qz: 0.0},
                  {id: 4, size: 0.05, x: 0.0548, y: -0.0522, z: 0.0, qw: 1.0, qx: 0.0, qy: 0.0, qz: 0.0},
                  {id: 3, size: 0.05, x: -0.0580, y: -0.0553, z: 0.0, qw: 1.0, qx: 0.0, qy: 0.0, qz: 0.0},
                  {id: 2, size: 0.05, x: 0.0543, y: 0.0603, z: 0.0, qw: 1.0, qx: 0.0, qy: 0.0, qz: 0.0},
                  {id: 1, size: 0.05, x: -0.0582, y: 0.0573, z: 0.0, qw: 1.0, qx: 0.0, qy: 0.0, qz: 0.0}
        Image from iOS
      3. Go to apriltag_ros/apriltag_ros/launch, add the following lines to continuous_detection.launch
         <arg name="camera_name" default="/usb_cam" />
         <arg name="camera_frame" default="usb_cam" />  
         <arg name="image_topic" default="image_raw" />


  1. Launch camera
    roslaunch usb_cam usb_cam-test.launch
  2. Launch AprilTag detection
    roslaunch apriltag_ros continuous_detection.launch
  3. View results
    rostopic echo /tag_detections
  4. Visualize results
    select tag_detections_image from drop-down menu in rqt ImageView
  5. Run RViz
    rosrun rviz rviz
    1. Select appropiate Fixed Frame.
    2. Click "Add" on bottom right in RViz, under "By display type", scroll down to "TF", select and click OK.
    3. The following interface should appear: image

Detecting distance between two objects (tags)

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

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Using AprilTags to localize cubes for robot stacking tasks.







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