This mod features a collection of helpful utility commands for developers creating Minecraft-related products. As of right now, this mod features:
- /atlas <pixels> - generates vanilla atlas files
- <pixels> - the width and height of each individual texture in the atlas
- /skyblockatlas <pixels> <fullAtlas> - generates Hypixel SkyBlock atlas files
- <pixels> - the width and height of each individual texture in the atlas
- <fullAtlas> - generates the full (~2,545 items) atlas if true, generates only the bazaar (~351 items) atlas if false
These atlases use 3D models for blocks and orders items by numeric ID (where applicable).
I created this mod because I wanted a 1.8.9 texture atlas that used 3D models for blocks for a Minecraft-related website I'm currently developing. I found some, however I couldn't easily find mappings for these atlases. As such, I decided to create my own, the proper way - using functions from Minecraft's code base.