###First Time Setup See -> Setup Guide
Uses Rakefile to delegate tasks including installing all dependencies [Homebrew, rbenv, pow, npm, prezto fork etc.]
Great if you are starting from scratch and have nothing installed the rake tasks can automate that process.
Installs Symlinks After cloning this repo, run
$ ./install
to automatically set up the development environment. Note that the install script is idempotent: it can safely be run multiple times.
This Dotfiles Repository uses Dotbot for installation.
Afteradding dotbot for streamlining symlinking dotfiles. I used to rely heavily on Rake but the Rakefile is not optimized to be re-used like Dotbot. Rake offers a multitude of tasks/multitasks but it is easier for me to just clone the repo and $ ./install
which has helped me keep both of my Macs in synchronization and optimized for development.
A small bit of frusteration I had when configuring Dotbot was dealing with white-case significant YAML files... for that reason I may rewrite the script in JSON which is another valid format for Dotbot that I may rewrite in at some point. But after the frustration of configuring the YAML file it works, just watch out for that whitespace!
The reward for maintaing a organized dotfile repository is being in sync with your custom settings wherever you are just a git clone and $ ./install
command away from development bliss.
On occassion the Prezto configuration can load but not be linked properly. Just copy and paste this snippet if you do have a problem loading the shell theme.
for rcfile in "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}"/.zprezto/runcoms/^README.md(.N); do
ln -s "$rcfile" "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.${rcfile:t}"
You can make local customizations for some programs by editing these files:
run before.zshrc
run after.zshrc
- ZSH Shell with Pure Theme
- Prezto Fork (Perfect for OSX users)
- Git Custom Aliases
- Ag (Ack interchangeable)
- Homebrew
- iTerm2 (colors)
- Tmux configuration
- OS X Settings
- rbenv
- Sublime Text
- Vim
- Ultisnips