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Fine-tune mmdetection model for table detection on document images


This project provides a pipeline to perform fine-tuning of pre-trained models for object detection. Currently it is specified on detecting tables on document images.

This project is based on MMDetection v1.2 open-source framework for convinient neural detection models construction. It requires CUDA and GPUs with high performance. Colab Google service is used to create a cloud environment to avoid the case if there are no expensive GPUs on local machine.

CascadeTabNet project config file and pre-trained models are used as base models to perform fine-tuning on.

You must have a tab_net/ directory in Google Drive.

tab_net/ folder structure:

  • pretrained_models/
  • images/
  • training/{pretrained_model}/{dataset_type}/
  • libs/
  • results/

1. Prepare a dataset:

Dataset consists from 3 types of documents: payment orders (opl), invoices (fact) and other documents (misc).

Place document images to the images/ project folder.

Pattern of document images filenames: inv-XXXX.jpg (inv-0000.jpg, etc.).

2. Annotate the dataset:

  1. Annotate tables on document images:
  • Open Label_IMG Annotator from annotations/annotators/ project folder;
  • Open Dir -> images/ project folder;
  • Change Save Dir -> annotations/PASCAL_VOC_annotations/xml_all/ project folder;
  • Use default label bordered;
  • Draw rectangles around each table on your dataset.
  1. Annotate type of document images:
  • Open VGG_Image Annotator from annotations/annotators/ project folder;
  • File attributes: "img_type": ["opl", "fact", "misc"] (specify your own if necessary);
  • Annotate only file_attributes according to the document type;
  • Annotations -> Export Annotations (as json) to the annotations/ project folder as vgg_json.json.

3. Convert VOC annotations to COCO format:

MMDetection config models work with annotations in COCO format, so you have to convert annotations from сlause 2.1.

VOC_to_COCO script is based on D. Prasad script for convertation of Pascal VOC XML annotation files to a single COCO Json file. Refer to section 8. Training of CascadeTabNet project.

VOC_to_COCO script was modified to perform train/test/unseen split of your dataset apart from convertation. Model will validate only on test split, so unseen images can be used as evaluation on unkown data.

You can choose dataset_type to use only a part of you dataset: all document types, or only specifc document types. Given the provided dataset_type, model will train only on these document types. Provided dataset_type values:

  • type_all - all document types (the whole dataset);
  • type_opl_fact - only payment orders (opl) and invoices (fact);
  • type_opl - only payment orders (opl).
  1. Choose dataset_type;
  2. Launch script from Terminal: python --dtype dataset_type
  3. Output files locations:
    • train/test/unseen splits of XML annotations (PASCAL VOC) for each dataset_type will be located in annotations/PASCAL_VOC_Annotations/{dataset_type}/{test/train/unseen} project folder;
    • train/test COCO annotations for each dataset_type will be located in annotations/COCO_Annotations/{dataset_type} project folder;
    • train/test/unseen JSON lists of image_names will be located in the same folder as COCO annotations.

4. Upload necessary files to Google Drive:

All training process is done with Colab service. Colab is strongly integrated with Google Drive, and processes with files on Google Dirve are handled quite effectively.

  1. Place large-sized libs (pytorch, etc.) to the libs/ Google Drive folder;
  2. Place pretrained models to the pretrained_models/ Google Drive folder;
  3. Place document images dataset into images/ Google Drive folder;
  4. Place the inners of annotations/COCO_annotations/ project folder (type_all, type_opl_fact, type_opl) into the training/{pretrained_model}/ Google Drive folder.

5. Start the training:

Training is done through the Colab notebook with Google GPUs.

  1. Launch tab_net_finetuning.ipynb as Colab notebook;
  2. First cell installs required environment. Restart the runtime after this step;
  3. Then launch Define desired parameters cell. Change pretrained_model, dataset_type or total_epoches if necessary. Also you have to find out the number of epoches, during which provided pretrained_model was trained/finetuned. Specify that number in pretr_model_epochs dictionary;
  4. Launch Train a model cell. Checkpoints for each epoch will be stored in training/{pretrained_model}/{dataset_type}/workdir/ Google Drive folder.
  5. Launch cells from Save predictions to JSON section;
  6. Model results and training log will be stored in results/ Google Drive folder as JSON file;
  7. Save model results and training log to results/ project folder.

6. Calculate object detection metrics to measure performance:

This section is based on R. Padilla open-source project Object-Detection-Metrics.

  1. Object detections script processes only prepared data with special structure. Launch from Terminal: python --pretr pretrained_model --dtype dataset_type to prepare ground truths and detection results (from model results). For more detailed information about the required structure refer to the aforementioned work.
    • Prepared groundtruth files will be stored in object_detection_metrics/{pretrained_model}/groundtruths_test(train/unseen)/ project folder.
    • Prepared detection files will be stored in object_detection_metrics/{pretrained_model}/detections/ project folder. They are divided into epoches folders and train/test/unseen splits.
  2. Calculate object detection metrics of model results for each epoch and split (train/test/unseen) and store it in results/metrics/{pretrained_model}/{dataset_type}/ project folder. Launch from Terminal: python --pretr pretrained_model --dtype dataset_type.
    • Precision x Recall curve is displayed as bordered(class_name)_{epoch}_{split}(train/test/unseen).png;
    • Metric values are stored as results_{epoch}_{split}(train/test/unseen).txt.

7. Construct/update results dataframe:

Collect all metrics, logs and results to one single dataframe. It will be used in visualization of model metrics and logs for every pretrained_model, dataset_type, evaluation_split and epoch.

Launch Resulting dataframe is stored in results/ project folder as df.pkl. Also the script constructs df_doctypes.pkl dataframe to store the distribution of document types across the dataset.

8. Visualize results:

An interactive web-app in the dashboard format is constructed to visualize model results. It provides plots of AP Precision x Recall metrics, loss and accuracy and document_types distribution. To visualize results for each pretrained_model, dataset_type, evaluation_split and epoch, simply select desired parameters on the dashboard.

Launch to interact with dashboard.


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