Releases: bounswe/bounswe2023group3
Group 3 Cmpe451 2023 Fall Final Release
For this release, we have added creating poll, liking a poll, commenting a poll functionalities. Users can be able to add options and specific tags to their polls. Also we have added whole moderator functionality. Moderators can login, verify their accounts and reset their passwords. Polls can be approved by moderators and if poll is ended, moderators can settle it. There are unit tests to check that the project works correctly.
For this release, we have prepared the authentication functionalities. Specifically, users are able to sign up to the app, verify their emails, change their password and login to the application. The functionalities regarding authentication are all connected to the backend and work as expected. What is more we have provided some basic user interactions too. Specifically, the users who logged in can view some polls (however at this stage the polls are static and not fetched from the backend). The poll creation page is also created in this release, but it is not connected to the backend.