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CMPE451 Meeting 3 Notes

Emin Vergili edited this page Nov 21, 2018 · 3 revisions

CMPE451 Group 10 Meeting 3 Notes

Date: 21/11/2018 16:00 - 17.00

Location: BM A3


  • Ahmet Faruk Çelimli
  • Baran Kılıç
  • Kaan Özgen
  • Muhammed Emin Vergili


  1. Determine weekly tasks

  2. Discuss synchronization problems between teams

  3. Review meeting scheduling and weekly workflows

  4. Discuss task tracking using Github issue system


  1. Project process page will be introduced. All teams will be working on this.

  2. Dashboard pages will be improved for both Android and Web

  3. File upload to the project will be added for both Android and Web.

  4. Recommendation Engine research will be done by backend team.

  5. Annotation System research will be done by all teams.

  6. Team leaders are official now. (Backend: Ahmet Faruk, Frontend: Baran, Android: Kaan)

  7. Team communicator changed from Barış to Emin.

  8. From now on task determination meetings will be held with communicator and the team leaders.

  9. Task distribution and planning meetings will be held within teams.

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