Model C Library of the Dynamic Simulation Environment (DSE) Core Platform.
L- dse/modelc Model C Library source code.
L- extra Build infrastructure.
L- tools Containerised tools.
L- licenses Third Party Licenses.
L- tests Unit and integration tests.
Simulations can be run using the simer
tool (part of this project).
# Define a shell function for the Simer tool.
$ export
$ simer() { ( cd "$1" && shift && docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/sim $SIMER_IMAGE "$@"; ) }
# Download and run a simulation ...
$ export MODELC_URL=
$ curl -fSL -o /tmp/ $MODELC_URL; unzip -d /tmp /tmp/
$ simer /tmp/ModelC-2.0.7-linux-amd64/examples/minimal
# OR build locally and then run an example simulation ...
$ make
$ simer dse/modelc/build/_out/examples/minimal
Documentation for the simer
tool is available here :
Note : see the following section on configuring toolchains.
# Get the repo.
$ git clone
$ cd dse.modelc
# Optionally set builder images.
$ export
$ export
# Build.
$ make
# Run tests.
$ make test
# Build containerised tools.
$ make tools
$ make docker
# Remove (clean) temporary build artifacts.
$ make clean
$ make cleanall
The Model C Library is built using containerised toolchains. Those are available from the DSE C Library and can be built as follows:
$ git clone
$ cd dse.clib
$ make docker
Alternatively, the latest Docker Images are available on and can be used as follows:
$ export
$ export
Please refer to the file.
Dynamic Simulation Environment Model C Library is open-sourced under the Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE and NOTICE files for details.