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Advanced Configuration

boranblok edited this page Aug 22, 2016 · 1 revision

Advanced Configuration info

Configuration parameters

The configuration is done via ini files that can have different parameters.


For parameters containing text there is always the possibility of using quotes to contain the value. Sometimes this is reqired if the parameter starts with a space.

This means that parameter = value is equal to parameter="value" but parameter2= value2 is not equal to parameter2=" value2" as the latter contains an extra space in front.

Numerical values

For numerical values any valid 32 bit integer value is supported. However be weary most of the time setting values in here that are very high or very low can have unintended consequences.

Boolean values

For all boolean values the strings no, No, NO, false, False and FALSE false can be used for false and yes, Yes, YES, true, True and TRUE can be used for true.

OS differences

Configuration is identical on linux and windows, however paths are configured in the local OS way. (C:\Folder name\etc on windows /mnt/drive/etc on linux)

Relative paths can use both forward and backward slashes and should not begin with a / as this would indicate a start from the root of the drive.

Configuration structure

The configuration of the application is structured in a hierarchical way. The application basic configuration is stored in the conf subfolder. However you should not change this, as any changes will be overwritten on update

All modifications to this base configuration can be place into the userconf subfolder all ini files in this folder will be loaded on top of the base configuration with a later file overwriting settings loaded earlier.

This means if conf\default.ini has setting = 1 and userconf\10-mySettings.ini has setting = 2 and userconf\20-otherSettings.ini has setting = 3 the value of the setting used by the application will be 3 as this was the last file that has loaded.


The watchfolders configuration is done with separate files for each folder configuration here the ShortName setting is crucuial as this defines what ini files overrides what.

For instance if the file conf\watchfolders\default.ini has these contents: ShortName = a Setting = 1

And the file userconfig\watchfolders\default.ini has these contents: ShortName = a Setting = 2

And the file userconfig\watchfolders\myFolder.ini has these contents: ShortName = b Setting = 3

There will be two watch folders active, a with Setting value of 2 and b with setting value of 3.