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Boot is a Clojure build framework and ad-hoc Clojure script evaluator. Boot provides a runtime environment that includes all of the tools needed to build Clojure projects from scripts written in Clojure that run in the context of the project.
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Build processes for applications always end up being complex things. A simple web application, for instance, may require many integrations–asset pipelines, deployment to different environments, the compilation of multiple artifacts with different compilers, packaging, etc.
The more complex the build process becomes, the more flexible the build tool needs to be. Static build specifications become less and less useful as the project moves toward completion. Being Lispers we know what to do: Lambda is the ultimate declarative.
Instead of building the project based on a global configuration map, boot provides a runtime environment in which a build script written in Clojure can be evaluated. It is this script—a Turing-complete build specification—which builds the project.
- Write executable, self-contained scripts in Clojure and run them with or without a project context.
- Dynamically add dependencies from Maven repositories to the running script's class path.
- Managed filesystem tree provides a scoped, immutable, append-only interface.
- Fine-grained control of classloader isolation–run code in separate Clojure runtimes.
- Tasks are functions that return middleware which compose to form build pipelines.
- Tasks are not coupled via hardcoded file paths or magical keys in a global configuration map.
- Create new, ad-hoc tasks easily in the project, in the build script, or in the REPL.
- Compose build pipelines in the project, in the build script, in the REPL, or on the command line.
- Artifacts can never be stale–there is no need for a
Binaries in executable format are available. Follow the instructions for your operating system (note: boot requires the Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.8 or greater).
Package managers:
- Homebrew —
brew install boot-clj
- nix —
nix-env -i boot
- aur —
yaourt --noconfirm -Syy boot
- docker — Use
image withboot
tag.- CircleCI also maintains image with additional tooling:
- CircleCI also maintains image with additional tooling:
- Download and save as
- Make it executable.
- Move it to somewhere in your
Here is a one-liner to do the above:
$ sudo bash -c "cd /usr/local/bin && curl -fsSLo boot && chmod 755 boot"
Package managers:
- Chocolatey —
choco install boot-clj
- Scoop —
scoop bucket add extras && scoop install boot-clj
Otherwise, download boot.exe, then:
:: Using %SystemRoot% here, but can be any folder on user's %PATH%
C:\> move boot.exe %SystemRoot%
Note: Windows 10 is fully supported. For other versions please see these outstanding issues for specific limitations.
The wrapper is a very thin shim used to load "the real Boot" from Maven. With the wrapper installed you can update Boot's JAR files and keep up to date with the following command:
boot -u
The wrapper itself changes (and thus requires updating) much less frequently, and will remain compatible with future versions of the JAR files.
The Modern CLJS tutorials are an excellent introduction to Boot and ClojureScript. Pretty much everything you need to know about Boot to get a project off the ground is covered there. Check it out!
Once boot is installed (see Install above) do this in a terminal:
boot -h
You should see the boot manual page printed to the terminal. This information includes command line options recognized by boot, a list of available tasks, and other information about relevant configuration files and environment variables.
You can also get help for a specific task, for example the repl
boot repl -h
You should see usage info and command line options for the specified task.
You can also get help in the REPL. First start a REPL session:
boot repl
Then, to get help for the repl
task, do:
boot.user=> (doc repl)
The output will be slightly different from the command line help info. We'll see why this is so a little later.
Let's build a simple project to get our feet wet. We'll create a new directory,
say my-project
, and a source directory in there named src
with a source
file, hello.txt
mkdir -p my-project/src
cd my-project
echo "hi there" > src/hello.txt
The directory should now have the following structure:
└── src
└── hello.txt
Suppose we want to build a jar file now, and install it to our local Maven
repository. We'll use the pom
, jar
, and install
tasks to accomplish this
from the command line:
# The -- args below are optional. We use them here to visually separate the tasks.
boot -r src -d me.raynes/conch:0.8.0 -- pom -p my-project -v 0.1.0 -- jar -M Foo=bar -- install
What we did here was we built a pipeline on the command line and ran it to build our project.
- We specified the resource directory (files that will end up in the jar) via boot's
option. - We added the
dependency via boot's-d
This sets up the build environment. Then we constructed a pipeline of tasks:
- The
task with options to set the project ID and version, (by default only compiled artifacts end up in the fileset), - The
task with options to add aFoo
key to the jar, manifest with valuebar
, - And finally the
task with no options.
Boot composes the pipeline and runs it, building your project. Your local
Maven repository will now contain my-project-0.1.0.jar
Anything done on the command line can be done in the REPL or in a build script. Fire up a REPL in the project directory:
boot repl
The default namespace is boot.user
, which is the namespace given to the build
script. Building the project in the REPL is almost identical to what we did on
the command line.
First we'll set some global boot options–we'll set the source directory and add
the conch
dependency to the build environment:
boot.user=> (set-env!
#_=> :resource-paths #{"src"}
#_=> :dependencies '[[me.raynes/conch "0.8.0"]])
This was specified on the command line as the -r
or --resource-paths
and -d
arguments to boot itself. These translate to calls to set-env!
in the REPL or in a script. Note that the keyword always corresponds to the long
option from the command line.
Now that boot environment is set up we can build the project:
boot.user=> (boot (pom :project 'my-project :version "0.1.0")
#_=> (jar :manifest {"Foo" "bar"})
#_=> (install))
Again, note that the keyword arguments correspond to long options from the command line.
It gets tedious to specify all of those options on the command line or in the REPL every time you build your project. Boot provides facilities for setting task options globally, with the ability to override them by providing options on the command line or in the REPL later.
The task-options!
macro does this. Continuing in the REPL:
boot.user=> (task-options!
#_=> pom {:project 'my-project
#_=> :version "0.1.0"}
#_=> jar {:manifest {"Foo" "bar"}})
Now we can build the project without specifying these options, because the task functions have been replaced with curried versions of themselves:
boot.user=> (boot (pom) (jar) (install))
Individual options can still be set by providing arguments to the tasks such
that they override those set with task-options!
. Let's build our project with
a different version number, for example:
boot.user=> (boot (pom :version "0.1.1") (jar) (install))
Pretty simple, right? This way of setting options requires no participation by the tasks themselves. There is no global configuration map or anything like that. It works because tasks accept only keyword arguments, so partial application is idempotent and last setting wins.
More sophisticated builds will require one, but even a build as simple as this one can be made a little simpler by creating a build script containing the options for the tasks you're using.
Create a file named build.boot
in the project directory with the following
:resource-paths #{"src"}
:dependencies '[[me.raynes/conch "0.8.0"]])
pom {:project 'my-project
:version "0.1.0"}
jar {:manifest {"Foo" "bar"}})
Now we can build the project without specifying the options for each task on the command line–we only need to specify the tasks to create the pipeline.
boot pom jar install
And we can override these options on the command line as we did in the REPL:
boot -- pom -v 0.1.1 -- jar -- install
Notice how we did not need a (boot ...)
expression in the build.boot
Boot constructs that at runtime from the command line arguments.
You can start a REPL in the context of the boot script (compiled as the
namespace), and build interactively too:
boot.user=> (boot (pom) (jar) (install))
When boot is run from the command line it actually generates a boot
according to the command line options provided.
Custom tasks can be defined in the project or in build.boot
. This is generally
how boot is expected to be used, in fact. Boot ships with a selection of small
tasks that can be composed uniformly, and the user assembles them into something
that makes sense for the specific project.
As an example let's make a task that performs the last example above, and name
it build
. We'll modify build.boot
such that it contains the following:
:resource-paths #{"src"}
:dependencies '[[me.raynes/conch "0.8.0"]])
pom {:project 'my-project
:version "0.1.0"}
jar {:manifest {"Foo" "bar"}})
(deftask build
"Build my project."
(comp (pom) (jar) (install)))
NOTE: When using comp, all arguments must be functions - nil is not supported. In this example we call each task middleware which returns the task function, these functions are composed into a new build task.
Now we should be able to see the build
task listed among the available tasks
in the output of boot -h
, and we can run the task from the command line as we
would run any other task:
boot build
Tasks are functions that return pipelines. Pipelines compose functionally to
produce new pipelines. If you've used transducers or ring middleware
this pattern should be familiar. The pom
and install
functions we used in
the definition of build
are, in fact, the same functions that were called
when we used them on the command line before. Boot's command line parsing
implicitly composes them; in our task we compose them using Clojure's comp
Now let's define a task in a namespace in our project and use it from the command line.
Create the namespace with the task:
(ns demo.boot-build
(:require [boot.core :as core]
[boot.task.built-in :as task]))
(core/deftask build
"Build my project."
(comp (task/pom) (task/jar) (task/install)))
and write it to src/demo/boot_build.clj
in your project.
Modify the build.boot
file to incorporate this new task by removing the
definition for build
. The new build.boot
file will look like this:
:resource-paths #{"src"}
:dependencies '[[me.raynes/conch "0.8.0"]])
pom {:project 'my-project
:version "0.1.0"}
jar {:manifest {"Foo" "bar"}})
(require '[demo.boot-build :refer :all])
You can now use the build
task defined in the project namespace from the
command line, as before:
boot build
To build boot from source you will need:
You may increment Boot's version by editing
# <version> is the version of your build
Then, in a terminal in the project directory do:
make deps
make install
- Jars for all of the boot components will be built and installed in your local Maven repository.
- The app uberjar will be built and copied to
. - The app uberjar will be copied to
Make your build the default by editing your $HOME/.boot/
# <version> is the version of your build
For guidelines for contributing, see
Code from other projects was incorporated into boot wherever necessary to eliminate external dependencies of boot itself. This ensures that the project classpath remains pristine and free from potential dependency conflicts. We've pulled in code from the following projects (thanks, guys!)
- technomancy/leiningen
- cemerick/pomegranate
- Raynes/conch
- tebeka/clj-digest
- cldwalker/table
- clojure/tools.cli
- bbloom/backtick
- AvisoNovate/pretty
- google/hesokuri
- barbarysoftware/watchservice
The boot source is also annotated to provide attribution wherever possible.
Look for the :boot/from
key in metadata attached to vars or namespaces.
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute].
Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [Become a backer]
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Copyright © 2013-2018 Alan Dipert and Micha Niskin
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.