The content of this site is written in Markdown. Here's a handy markdown cheatsheet.
The markdown files are translated to HTML using a program called Hugo, and hosted on Heroku. Anything pushed to main will end up on the website within half a minute or so.
The easiest way to contribute to the site is to, when viewing this page on, pressing the '.' key. This will open an editor in your browser, where you can do your changes. Ctrl-S and most other shortcuts works as you would expect. When you have completed your change, commit the changes to git, using the graph-like icon in the side-bar. Here's a small demonstration of how it works.
To add conference organizers to the about-us page add a photo under content/info/about/who-are-we
and metadata about the person in content/info/about/
To add conference partners, add the logo under content/partners/logos
and metadata about the partner under content/partners/
. If only the logo is added the partner will still appear in the footer but with incorrect linking.