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  • It currently contains only a slash command which is /cr
  • Install the app in your slack workspace and type /cr --help to see the features


  • Set up the project with the "Development" section
  • Ask to be a collaborator on the Slack application
  • Create a /<yourname>cr slash command. Don't forget to tick: "Escape channels, users, and links sent to your app"
  • Start ngrok http 3000 in a terminal
  • Copy the hostname into your application.yml "TUNNEL_HOST"
  • Ask the values to customize the rest of the application.yml


# Install and launch an http tunnel to your computer
brew cask install ngrok
ngrok http 3000
# Set up the rails app in another terminal
bundle install
cp config/application.example.yml config/application.yml
# customize the value of the slack signing secret (See section "Slack app")
bin/rails db:setup
bin/rails rails server

Edit config/application.yml and update TUNNEL_HOST '<id>' in the default block.

"Create New Command" on Slash Commands with:

  • Command: /<your name>cr, i.e. "/davecr"
  • Request URL: https://<id>
  • Short Description: "Your name"
  • Check "Escape channels, users, and links sent to your app"


Github Actions will automatically build and deploy the application once you create a new tag.

The secrets are here

The keys are kept in 1password.

drone access keys and Slack Code Review Public Private Deploy Key