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Boost browser extension

The missing link between Harvest - PivotalTracker - Basecamp. Track your time directly from the PivotalTracker interface and generate acceptance messages from your stories.

We use Harvest, we use PivotalTracker, we use Basecamp. We thought it would be cool to link our Harvest timesheets directly to our PivotalTracker stories to simplify tracking and review, and also generate ready for acceptance messages for basecamp from pivotal.

Google Chrome and Firefox are currently the only supported browsers.

I. Installation

I. Chrome

Visit the Chrome Webstore to install the latest version on your browser.

I.2 Firefox

Visit the Firefox add-ons website to install the latest version on your browser.

II. Contribution

To contribute to this repository and being able to test your feature, you must have an account on Pivotal tracker.

Optionally, for testing some features, you will need an account on:

II.1 Development

  • Clone this repository and cd into it
  • Run npm run watch:firefox or npm run watch:chrome to get the HMR
  • For chrome:
    • In your Chrome extensions tab, enable "developer mode", then click the "load unpacked extension..." button and select the build/ directory within the location where you cloned this repository
  • For firefox:
    • Run npm run web-ext:run
    • Wait for firefox to open with the extension loaded
  • Navigate to a PivotalTracker project in your browser and voilá!

III. Deployment

III.1 Manual process

III.1.a Firefox

  1. Update the
  2. Update the version in package.json
  3. Build it: npm run build:firefox
  4. Verify that everything is ok: npm run web-ext:lint:firefox
  5. Zip it: rm -f build-firefox/; cd build-firefox; zip -r ../build-firefox/ *; cd ..
  6. Zip the source code: rm -f build-firefox/; zip -r build-firefox/ $(git ls-files)
  7. Go to the add-on admin page:
  8. Click on Upload New Version and follow the steps
  9. Wait for the new version to be validated and deployed

III.1.b Chrome

  1. Update the
  2. Update the version in package.json
  3. Build it: npm run build:chrome
  4. Verify that everything is ok: npm run web-ext:lint:chrome
  5. Zip it: rm -f build-chrome/; zip -r build-chrome/ build-chrome
  6. Zip the source code: rm -f build-chrome/; zip -r build-chrome/ $(git ls-files)
  7. Go to the developer dashboard:
  8. Click on the application
  9. Click on "Package" on the left menu
  10. Click on "Upload new package"

III.2 Automatic process

  • Update the and the version in package.json
  • Create a new tag: git tag vX.X.X
  • Push it to GitHub: git push origin vX.X.X
  • Make sure the deployment jobs are successful in the GitHub Actions

A pipeline summary:

  • Compiles the code: npm run build:[firefox|chrome]
  • Creates a GitHub release with the compiled code as asset
  • Deploys the code to firefox and chrome: npm run deploy:[firefox|chrome]


This part of the pipeline is following this blog post here

This will be where you can find the credentials (if you have access):