Numerical Methods for Physics
Various numerical methods, written in C language. The project contains the solutions of an university course. Tasks description can find here (Hungarian)
The project contains four main topic:
The program can multiplicat row, column vectors, matrices and their combinations
Their are two version, first is the standard algorithmic solution, second version contains singular-value decomposition (SVD) method. For SVD, LAPACK needed. You can get from here. In simple case (in win ops sys), decompress lapacke.rar (in "gauss_jordan_elim") to "gauss_jordan_elim" folder, and it will work.
The program make a general N variable polynomial fitting. One small data for test added. Plots and result in "predicted_values" folder
Calculates the solution of the Earth-Moon system with Euler method.
Calculates the solution of the Earth-Moon system with RK4 method. (plots in euler_RK4_moon/plot folder)
Calculates the solution of special ODE systems with adaptive RK4 method. (plots of the attractors find in RK4_attractors/plot folder, dataset in /data for those who want make plots)