Add support for binary data input. Addresses #22.
Added two new options:
-b The call data comes as serialized binary message read from stdin.
-B Path for the call data as serialized binary message.
Example usage:
ghz -proto ./greeter.proto -call helloworld.Greeter.SayHello -B ./hello_request_data.bin
Or using binary from stdin:
ghz -proto ./greeter.proto -call helloworld.Greeter.SayHello -b < ./hello_request_data.bin
f979538 Merge pull request #33 from bojand/bindata
a844463 binary stdin usage
d35edb7 add bin data usage
2d13048 bin data fixes
43efde4 tests for binary message support and readme
98ea130 initial support for binary data
31f8919 update test certs
553db67 remove orig file
84e6ea0 Merge pull request #30 from kenju/fix-readme
e5bffb3 fix README for influx-details options