If you want with your specifications, if you don't create it, the code will automatically create
`session` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`id` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`value` json DEFAULT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `idxunique` (`session`,`id`),
KEY `idxsession` (`session`),
KEY `idxid` (`id`)
Edge Version:
npm i github:bobslavtriev/mysql-baileys
Stable Version:
npm i mysql-baileys
const { useMySQLAuthState } = require('mysql-baileys')
const { state, saveCreds, removeCreds } = await useMySQLAuthState({
session: sessionName, // required
password: 'Password123#', // required
database: 'baileys', // required
type MySQLConfig = {
/* The hostname of the database you are connecting to. (Default: localhost) */
host?: string,
/* The port number to connect to. (Default: 3306) */
port?: number,
/* The MySQL user to authenticate as. (Default: root) */
user?: string,
/* The password of that MySQL user */
password: string,
/* Alias for the MySQL user password. Makes a bit more sense in a multifactor authentication setup (see "password2" and "password3") */
password1?: string,
/* 2nd factor authentication password. Mandatory when the authentication policy for the MySQL user account requires an additional authentication method that needs a password. */
password2?: string,
/* 3rd factor authentication password. Mandatory when the authentication policy for the MySQL user account requires two additional authentication methods and the last one needs a password. */
password3?: string,
/* Name of the database to use for this connection. (Default: base) */
database: string,
/* MySql table name. (Default: auth) */
tableName?: string,
/* Retry the query at each interval if it fails. (Default: 200ms) */
retryRequestDelayMs: number,
/* Maximum attempts if the query fails. (Default: 10) */
maxtRetries?: number,
/* Session name to identify the connection, allowing multisessions with mysql. */
session: string,
/* The source IP address to use for TCP connection. */
localAddress?: string,
/* The path to a unix domain socket to connect to. When used host and port are ignored. */
socketPath?: string,
/* Allow connecting to MySQL instances that ask for the old (insecure) authentication method. (Default: false) */
insecureAuth?: boolean,
/* If your connection is a server. (Default: false) */
isServer?: boolean,
/* Use the config SSL. (Default: disabled) */
ssl?: string | SslOptions
const { makeWASocket, makeCacheableSignalKeyStore, fetchLatestBaileysVersion } = require('@whiskeysockets/Baileys')
const { useMySQLAuthState } = require('mysql-baileys')
async function startSock(sessionName){
const { error, version } = await fetchLatestBaileysVersion()
if (error){
console.log(`Session: ${sessionName} | No connection, check your internet.`)
return startSock(sessionName)
const { state, saveCreds, removeCreds } = await useMySQLAuthState({
session: sessionName,
host: 'localhost',
port: 3306,
user: 'bob',
password: 'Password123#',
database: 'baileys',
tableName: 'auth'
const sock = makeWASocket({
auth: {
creds: state.creds,
keys: makeCacheableSignalKeyStore(state.keys, logger),
version: version,
defaultQueryTimeoutMs: undefined
sock.ev.on('creds.update', saveCreds)
sock.ev.on('connection.update', async({ connection, lastDisconnect }) => {
// your code here
sock.ev.on('messages.upsert', async({ messages, type }) => {
// your code here