A UI-Router integration for Backbone Marionette (2.x) apps. Minimally usable at the moment.
Currently requires npm v3+ or yarn for the flat node_modules structure.
# npm install -g brunch
$ npm install
$ npm start
Accessible at http://localhost:3332
- Fill in documentation
- Missing state options
- Add a Marionette Behavior for active state class toggling
- Investigate Marionette 3 support
- Building as a release library (including better separation of router code and example app)
- Auth redirect
- Editing models with dirty checking before state changes
A Marionette Behavior class is provided for building links to other states.
Marionette.Behaviors.behaviorsLookup = function() {
return {
UISref: require('../router/marionette/behaviors').UISref
var ClientContactView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
behaviors: {
UISref: {}
<a ui-sref="app.client.contact" ui-sparams="{"id: 1"}">Contact Info</a>
It will find elements in the rendered view with a ui-sref
attribute and
optional ui-sparams
as an HTML-escaped JSON string. If your template engine
supports helper functions you may want to write a small a helper for making the
params object, for example:
function params(p) {
try {
// escapeHtml not provided and not necessary if your template engine
// escapes HTML automatically.
return escapeHtml(JSON.stringify(p));
} catch (err) {
return '{}';
Using in an embedded coffeescript template:
<a ui-sref="app.client.contact" ui-sparams="<%= @params({id: @id}) %>">Contact Info</a>