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oik shortcodes server



The oik shortcodes server is used to document and serve the help documentation for plugins and themes:

  • lazy smart shortcodes
  • oik APIs, classes and methods - documenting the public and private oik/bw Application Programming Interface
  • hooks - the action and filter hooks that oik plugins Invoke or Implement
  • blocks - for the WordPress block editor aka Gutenberg

It provides the following shortcodes:

  • [bw_api] - automatically report the syntax for an API
  • [api] - link to selected API(s)
  • [apis] - link to related APIs (in a list)
  • [blocks] - link to related Blocks
  • [classes] - list of classes
  • [codes] - link to related shortcodes
  • [file] - display file contents
  • [files] - list of files
  • [hook] - link to selected hook(s)
  • [hooks] - links to action / filter hooks
  • [md] - markdown

It provides an admin page where APIs can be added BUT is more useful when invoked using oik-batch, a WP-CLI like interface

In order for the Calls and Called by trees to be maintained you have to process each API twice.


  • Advanced shortcodes to display content
  • Parsed APIs and files are stored to improve display performance. (v1.22)
  • Parses WordPress core, plugins and themes (v1.20)
  • Pagination of long lists
  • 'Compatible with Shortcake' checkbox?

New in version 1.41.0

  • [blocks] shortcode supports link to block variations

New in version 1.39.0

  • Supports Comments on Blocks and Block examples

New in version 1.38.0

  • Supports block variations as children of the parent block

New in version 1.37.0

  • Virtual field block_catalogued
  • WordPress APIs are now cached in a JSON file

New in version 1.35.0

  • Adds AJAX function to create a block post

New in version 1.34.0

  • Adds Depends on field for Block and Block examples custom post types

New in version 1.31.0

  • Adds support for WordPress Blocks and Block examples

New in version 1.22

  • The first time that the API or file is parsed then a new post is created, with a link to the source post.
  • The second parse will update the version, setting the _oik_parse_count field to the timestamp of the source file.
  • Subsequent parses will only update the saved version if the source file has changed, or been touched.
  • Display of APIs or files will check if the saved version is the latest.
  • Note: Cached parsed output is currently NOT paginated.

New in version 1.20

  • Support for themes, using on oik-themes server

New in version 1.19

  • [files] shortcode to list files delivered by a plugin
  • [file] shortcode for links to files
  • [classes] shortcode to list classes implemented in a plugin
  • Support for pagination of long lists

New in version 1.15

  • Support for recording files in the "oik_file" CPT
  • [file] shortcode to display the logic implemented in a file, ignoring classes, methods and APIs

New in version 1.10

  • Support for classes and methods
  • Reflection functions applied against dummy functions if not alreay loaded

New in version 1.08

  • routines to dynamically register action and filter hooks.
  • routines to associate APIs to hooks
  • listing of Invokers and Implementers of actions and hooks


  1. Upload the contents of the oik-shortcodes plugin to the `/wp-content/plugins/oik-shortcodes' directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Define your content using wp-admin or the Ajax interface

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the FAQ?

oik FAQ

Can I get support?

Yes - see above


  1. Editing an oik_api - showing the API type select list
  2. Editing an oik_shortcode

Upgrade Notice


Upgrade for more changes for PHP 8.2 support.



  • Changed: Update Copyright year #91
  • Fixed: Correct latest_hd5_hash to latest_md5_hash #84
  • Changed: Default description to '' not null #84
  • Changed: Declare $handlers #91
  • Tested: With WordPress 6.4-RC3 and WordPress Multisite
  • Tested: With Gutenberg 16.9.0
  • Tested: With PHP 8.0, PHP 8.1 and PHP 8.2
  • Tested: With PHPUnit 9.6

Further reading

If you want to read more about the oik plugins then please visit the oik plugin "the oik plugin - for often included key-information"

For more information about the WordPress Code Reference

Where it's supposed to reside:

How to document an action or filter hook:


Places where you can find Function reference material: