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new basemap, combination hypsorelief+areas
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root committed Dec 23, 2016
1 parent a974828 commit abd3b95
Showing 1 changed file with 174 additions and 0 deletions.
174 changes: 174 additions & 0 deletions templates/shadedbase.xml.templ
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!ENTITY % utils SYSTEM "include/">
<!ENTITY % colors SYSTEM "include/">
<!ENTITY dbsettings SYSTEM "include/">
<!ENTITY extents SYSTEM "include/">
<!ENTITY extentsLatLon SYSTEM "include/">
<!ENTITY colorrelieflayers SYSTEM "">

<Map background-color="#bbb" srs="&srs32100;">

<!-- hypsorelief.xml.templ -->
<Style name="hypsorelief">
<RasterSymbolizer scaling="bilinear" />

<Layer name="hypsorelief" status="on" srs="&srsLatLongNAD83;">
<Parameter name="type">gdal</Parameter>
<Parameter name="file">${HYPSORELIEF_DIR}/all.vrt</Parameter>
<Parameter name="format">vrt</Parameter>

<!-- areas.xml.templ -->

<Style name="builtup">
<PolygonSymbolizer fill="&builtupcolor;" fill-opacity="0.2" />

<Style name="areafills">

<Filter>[landuse] = 'residential'</Filter>
<PolygonSymbolizer fill="&builtupcolor;" fill-opacity="0.2" />
[leisure] = 'nature_reserve' or
[leisure] = 'park' or
[leisure] = 'common' or
[leisure] = 'playground' or
[leisure] = 'garden' or
[leisure] = 'golf_course' or
[landuse] = 'forest' or
[landuse] = 'vineyard' or
[landuse] = 'conservation' or
[landuse] = 'recreation_ground' or
[leisure] = 'recreation_ground' or
[landuse] = 'village_green' or
[landuse] = 'allotments'
<PolygonSymbolizer fill="#7e5" fill-opacity="&areaopacity;" />
[landuse] = 'cemetary' or
[amenity] = 'grave_yard'
<PolygonSymbolizer fill="#8b8" fill-opacity="&areaopacity;" />
<Filter>[landuse] = 'construction'</Filter>
<PolygonSymbolizer fill="#bb3" fill-opacity="&areaopacity;" />
<Filter>[landuse] = 'military'</Filter>
<PolygonSymbolizer fill="#e55" fill-opacity="&areaopacity;" />
<Filter>[natural] = 'beach'</Filter>
<PolygonSymbolizer fill="#fec" fill-opacity="&areaopacity;" />
<Filter>[landuse] = 'salt_pond'</Filter>
<PolygonSymbolizer fill="#abc" fill-opacity="&areaopacity;" />
<Filter>[natural] = 'glacier'</Filter>
<PolygonSymbolizer fill="#cde" fill-opacity="&areaopacity;" />
<!-- open areas and fields -->
[natural] = 'heath' or
[landuse] = 'meadow' or
[landuse] = 'farm' or
[landuse] = 'farmyard'
<PolygonSymbolizer fill="#dd3" fill-opacity="&areaopacity;" />

<!-- these are basically copied from osm.xml -->

<!-- industrial areas -->
[landuse] = 'industrial' or
[landuse] = 'railway' or
[landuse] = 'brownfield' or
[landuse] = 'landfill' or
[landuse] = 'quarry'
<PolygonSymbolizer fill="#e69" fill-opacity="&areaopacity;" />

<!-- commercial/public facilities -->
[landuse] = 'commercial' or
[landuse] = 'retail' or
[amenity] = 'hospital'
<PolygonSymbolizer fill="#e96" fill-opacity="&areaopacity;" />

<!-- educational facilities -->
[amenity] = 'university' or
[amenity] = 'college' or
[amenity] = 'school'
<PolygonSymbolizer fill="#aa8" fill-opacity="&areaopacity;" />

<!-- Layers -->

<Layer name="builtup" status="on" srs="&srs900913;">
<Parameter name="type">shape</Parameter>
<Parameter name="file">${WORLD_BOUNDARIES_DIR}/builtup_area</Parameter>

<Layer name="areafills" status="on" srs="&srs900913;">
&dbsettings; &extents;
<Parameter name="table">
(SELECT way, leisure, landuse, amenity, "natural"
FROM ${DB_PREFIX}_polygon
ORDER BY z_order, way_area DESC) AS areas


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