This is a simple Slack robot designed to provide info to AARO club members.
The script expects the following environment variables to be set:
SLACK_BOT_TOKEN - Bot User OAuth Access Token from Slack's API page. This token is required.
APRS_CALLSIGN - The callsign to use when sending to APRS-IS
APRS_PASSWORD - APRS-IS password for the value in APRS_CALLSIGN
APRS_FI_TOKEN - API token for accessing
The robot can be run in two ways:
- Run the python script on the host. You will need to install the package dependencies before running the script.
- Use the included Dockerfile to create an image and run the bot as a container.
To run the bot on the command line, it's recommended to create a virtualenv. Once the virtualenv is setup and active, clone the repo. Run the following to start the bot:
> pip install -r ./requirements.txt
> python
To run the bot as a docker container:
> docker build -t aa5robot:latest .
> docker run -d --name aa5robot -e SLACK_BOT_TOKEN='<token>' aa5robot:latest