This project is under development. The goal is to provide wrapper for loading BMI models (Peckham, Hutton, and Norris 2013) into OMS (David et al. 2013) compliant modeling frameworks and vice-versa.
bmi-oms is now a Gradle project. It is a Further features of the building system are under development.
To build the ReadMe file in order to automatically generate the References you should install the following to packages: pandoc and pandoc-citeproc. Then, from command line:
<working_directory> $ pandoc doc/ReadMe/ -o ReadMe.rst --bibliography=doc/ReadMe/biblio.bib
Then just commit the changes. More info available here.
David, Olaf, JC Ascough Ii, Wes Lloyd, TR Green, KW Rojas, GH Leavesley, and LR Ahuja. 2013. “A Software Engineering Perspective on Environmental Modeling Framework Design: The Object Modeling System.” Environmental Modelling & Software 39. Elsevier: 201–13.
Peckham, Scott D, Eric WH Hutton, and Boyana Norris. 2013. “A Component-Based Approach to Integrated Modeling in the Geosciences: The Design of Csdms.” Computers & Geosciences 53. Elsevier: 3–12.