I am a people leader with a certificate in data analytics and visualization from the University of Minnesota and fifteen years of management experience.
- Eden Prairie, MN
- www.linkedin.com/in/brent-meulebroeck
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leaflet-challenge PublicFeel a rumble lately? This project accesses the USGS Earthquake API to retrieve data from the last 7 days, then maps it using leaflet.js
machine-learning-challenge PublicAn analysis of data from the Kepler space telescope using Python and SciKit-Learn to develop machine learning classification models.
Jupyter Notebook
Minneapolis-Crime-Prediction PublicCan we predict when crime will happen in Minneapolis? We gave it a shot using machine learning and time-series forecasting.
Jupyter Notebook
D3-Challenge PublicExploring census data using d3.js to create interactive visualizations for analysis.
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