Created by:
Bryan Burkhardt ([email protected])
Alexander Eckert ([email protected])
Project 1 for CS372 Spring 2017 at UAF Professor Dr. Hartman
Google Drive folder containing deliverables of the project (User Stories, Diary Entries, GUI design, etc.)
Required packages/software:
- C++11 compiler
- SFML 2.x.x
- CMake 2.6 or newer
- GNU Make 4.x
Building this project in the Terminal (*nix):
- Clone the project from GitHub
git clone
- Enter the cloned git repository and create a build folder and enter it:
cd CS372Proj1
mkdir build
cd build/
- Let CMake generate the Makefile for you:
cmake ..
- If all the required packages are correctly installed and could be found, we can run our Makefile to create the executable:
- Now, you can play the game with the following command:
- Enjoy!!