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This repository was archived by the owner on Feb 6, 2020. It is now read-only.


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When and where do exams happen? idk let's find out. Scroll or drag with your mouse on top of the date range to adjust the time window seen in the map.

Check it out at!



The server code is in Clojure. You will need Leiningen 2.0.0 or above installed.

Check out project.clj for the lowdown on Clojure dependencies.


Frontend code is written in Coffeescript and other libraries are managed with Bower. The standard install process for both of these is via NPM, the Node.js package manager. If you have none of this installed, first install Node and then run npm install in the invigilou directory.

If you already have Bower installed, just run bower install to install the front-end libraries.

Building the database (optional)

The exam- and building-database is already included as data/exam-schedule.sqlite, but it can be rebuilt by doing the following:

  1. Install Python and pip, if not already installed. Install Python dependencies:
$ pip install pyquery
  1. Get exam schedule info:
$ cd data
$ python
>>> import preproc
>>> preproc.db_setup()
>>> courses = preproc.main(url=preproc.UBC_EXAM_SCHEDULE_URL)
>>> preproc.insert(courses)
>>> exit()
  1. Get building info:

Uncomment the /createdb and /fetchaddresses routes in src/invigilou/handler.clj.

$ lein ring server-headless

Now navigate to localhost:3000/createdb followed by localhost:3000/fetchaddresses.

Recompiling Coffeescript

If you watch your coffee closely enough, it will turn into Javascript:

$ coffee -o resources/public/js/ -cw src/coffee/

To do a full build, run npm run build, which compiles the coffeescript and then uglifies it and concatenates a couple of libraries to produce exams.min.js.


For development, with auto-reload on change of Clojure files:

$ lein ring server-headless

Compiled (as on Heroku), in the Jetty server:

$ lein with-profile uberjar uberjar
$ java -cp target/invigilou-standalone.jar clojure.main -m invigilou.handler


Copyright © 2015 Ben Cook


A metaphysical investigation.






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