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An app to make charity auctions smoother The project aimed at organizing local street fairs or bazaars to collect funds for charity or military support. It provides a platform for managing lots, participants, donations, and raffles.

Build and test Go code Build and test JS code
Deploy Cloud Function Deploy UI

Application Flow

title: Flow
graph LR
    O[Organizer] -- organizes --> R[Raffle]
    R -- contains --> P[Prize]
    R -- involves --> C[Contributor]
    C -- makes --> D[Donation]
    D -- for --> P
    P -- has --> D
    P -- won_by --> W[Winner]
    C -- promoted_to --> W

Entities and value objects


  • ID: Unique identifier of user account.


A raffle represents the overall event and the collection of lots and participants. It has the following properties:

  • ID: The unique identifier of the raffle.
  • Organizer: The org of raffle.
  • Name: The name of the raffle.
  • Description: Optional description of the raffle.
  • Prizes: The list of prizes associated with the raffle.
  • Contributors: The list of contributors associated with the raffle.
  • Date: The date of raffle creation.


  • ID: Unique identifier for the lot.
  • Name: Name of the lot.
  • TicketCost: The cost of a single ticket for the lot.
  • Description: Optional description of the prize.
  • Donations: List of contributors who have made donation for this lot.
  • Winner: The winner of the raffle for this lot. Field is not finalized.
  • Date: The date of prize creation.


  • ID: Unique identifier for the participant.
  • Name: Name of the participant.
  • Phone: Phone number of the participant.
  • Note: Optional note about the participant.
  • Date: The date of contributor creation.


  • ID: Unique identifier for the donation.
  • PrizeID: ID of the lot for which the donation was made.
  • ContributorID: ID of the contributor who made the donation.
  • Amount: Amount of money transferred for the donation.
  • Date: The date of the donation.


title: Relationships
    Organizer {
        string ID

    Raffle {
        string ID
        string OrganizerID
        string Name
        string Description
        time CreatedAt

    Prize {
        string ID
        string Name
        int TicketCost
        Contributor Winner
        string Description
        time CreatedAt

    Contributor {
        string ID
        string Name
        string Phone UK
        string Note
        time CreatedAt

    Donation {
        string ID
        string ContributorID
        int Amount
        time CreatedAt

    Organizer ||--o{ Raffle: organizes
    Raffle ||--o{ Prize: contains
    Raffle ||--o{ Contributor: involves
    Contributor ||--o{ Donation: makes
    Prize ||--o{ Donation: for

Running the project


Quick installation of go Task:

go install

Setup test firestore docker container

On different platforms you can go with direct ip of container or with localhost

In directory :

└── yarmarok
    └── testifna
        ├── firestore.go

For Linux users :

Here you can go with non-exposed port

req := testcontainers.ContainerRequest{
	FromDockerfile: fromDockerfile,
	ExposedPorts:   []string{"8080/tcp"},
	WaitingFor:     wait.ForExposedPort(),

For Desktop Docker users on Mac or Windows :

Port need to be exposed

req := testcontainers.ContainerRequest{
	FromDockerfile: fromDockerfile,
	ExposedPorts:   []string{"8080:8080/tcp"},
	WaitingFor:     wait.ForExposedPort(),

localhost address of container needed, ip address of container not working

t.Setenv("FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", "localhost", "8080"))

Run tasks

task test # run tests
task integration-test # run heavy integration tests
task generate # generate mocks