A version of a to do list where there will be boards and in each board there will be categories and a list of tasks users can add under a category.
- Clone the master branch onto your computer
- In the terminal, change directory into project directory
- In the project directory, run:
npm install
- Download Postgres https://www.postgresql.org/download/macosx/ (for Mac)
- Open another terminal and type
psql -U postgres
and when prompted for password enter
Note: if error is "psql command not found" must export the path
Note: if password is incorrect, enter password for superuser that you entered
- Create 2 databases (development, test) used for this project by running the commands:
CREATE DATABASE "taskManagement";
- Create the superuser's username and password to by running the command:
CREATE USER "postgres" WITH PASSWORD 'password';
- Back in the projects directory, run these commands to run migrations:
node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate
- Launch the website by running this command:
npm start
- In your web browser, navigate to http://localhost:3000 to see the login page
- To begin Mocha testing, run:
npm run test:migration
npm test
After the test is finished run the command to undo migrations
npm run test:undo-migration
- To begin TestCafe testing, run:
npm run test:migration
npm run test:server
then open a new terminal and run:
npm run test:testcafe
It allows a user to sign up for a new account if they do not have one. It checks to see if an email is unique to prevent duplicate emails. If a user already has an account, they can login with their email and password. There will be a check to see if the email and password is correct. There will also be a session when a user is logged in.
Once the user signs up or logs in, they will presented the home page. On the home page there will be board titles. However, a new user will have no boards. Users can create a new board by clicking on the “Create New Board” button which will bring up a modal which users can fill out the board title form. Users can also edit the title of the board and delete a board, which will delete categories and list of tasks under that board. There will also be a navigation bar at the top that will have a home button and a logout button.
When a user clicks on a board title, they will be presented a page of columns of categories with lists of tasks underneath a category. A new board will have no categories and therefore no tasks. Users can add new categories by clicking “Add Category” which will bring up a modal with a form which users have to fill out. Under a category, users can add new tasks and delete tasks. Users can also delete categories, which will delete all tasks under a category as well. Users can also trag tasks into other categories as well. There will be a navigation bar at the top which includes a home button, the name of the board the user is currently in, and a logout button.
- Javascript/jQuery
- Bootstrap
- EJS Templating
- Node.js
- Express
- PostgreSQL
- Sequelize
- Client Sessions
- Mocha
- Chai
- TestCafe