A collection of validators, sanitizers, and utilities.
Install via NPM:
npm install utility-validate
Or via Yarn:
yarn add utility-validate
First, import the utility-validate
import utilityValidate from 'utility-validate';
You can now utilize the library's methods:
const {isEmail, removeWhitespace, sanitizeAlphaNumericSpace} = utilityValidate();
const email = isEmail('[email protected]')
console.log(email) // true
If you prefer not to install the package and want to include the entry point directly in your project, you can use the following script tags:
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/index.mjs
- https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/index.mjs
<script type="module">
import {isEmail} from 'https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/index.mjs';
const email = isEmail('[email protected]')
console.log(email) // true
Function Name | Description |
generateRandomString | Generates a random string. |
removeWhitespace | Removes whitespace from a string. |
sanitizeAlphaNumericSpace | Sanitizes a string, keeping alphanumeric characters and spaces. |
sanitizeAlphaNumericLower | Sanitizes a string, keeping only lowercase alphanumeric characters. |
sanitizeAlphaNumericUpper | Sanitizes a string, keeping only uppercase alphanumeric characters. |
sanitizeNumericValue | Sanitizes a string, keeping only numeric characters. |
sanitizeIntegerValue | Sanitizes a string, keeping only integer values. |
sanitizeAlphaLower | Sanitizes a string, keeping only lowercase alphabetic characters. |
sanitizeAlphaUpper | Sanitizes a string, keeping only uppercase alphabetic characters. |
escapeHTML | Escapes HTML special characters in a string. |
removeNonPrintableASCII | Removes non-printable ASCII characters from a string. |
removeControlCharacters | Removes control characters from a string. |
trimWhitespace | Trims whitespace from the beginning and end of a string. |
removeDuplicateChars | Removes duplicate characters from a string. |
removeExtraWhitespace | Removes extra whitespace from a string. |
decodeHTMLEntities | Decodes HTML entities in a string. |
countCharacter | Counts occurrences of a character in a string. |
collapseSpaces | Collapses consecutive spaces in a string to a single space. |
removeNonNumeric | Removes non-numeric characters from a string. |
extractNumbers | Extracts numeric values from a string. |
reverseString | Reverses a string. |
capitalizeStr | Capitalizes the first letter of each word in a string. |
truncateStr | Truncates a string to a specified length. |
slugify | Converts a string to a URL-friendly slug. |
countWords | Counts the number of words in a string. |
replaceStr | Replaces occurrences of a substring in a string. |
toKebabCase | Converts a string to kebab case. |
toSnakeCase | Converts a string to snake case. |
toCamelCase | Converts a string to camel case. |
startsWith | Checks if a string starts with a specified substring. |
endsWith | Checks if a string ends with a specified substring. |
contains | Checks if a string contains a specified substring. |
splitString | Splits a string into an array of substrings. |
encodeToBase64 | Encodes a string to Base64. |
decodeFromBase64 | Decodes a Base64 string. |
getCurrentLogDate | Gets the current date formatted for logging. |
getCurrentYYYYMMDD | Gets the current date in YYYYMMDD format. |
getCurrentYYYYMMDDStr | Gets the current date as a string in YYYYMMDD format. |
getCurrentYYYYMMDDHHmmssSSS | Gets the current date and time in YYYYMMDDHHmmssSSS format. |
getUnixTimestamp | Gets the current Unix timestamp. |
toSafeNumber | Converts a value to a safe number. |
randomIntInRange | Generates a random integer within a specified range. |
shuffleArray | Shuffles the elements of an array. |
sanitizeEmail | Sanitizes an email address. |
sanitizeUrl | Sanitizes a URL. |
sanitizePhoneNumber | Sanitizes a phone number. |
sanitizeAlphaNumericSpecial | Sanitizes a string, keeping alphanumeric characters and special characters. |
sanitizeAlphaNumericAccents | Sanitizes a string, keeping alphanumeric characters and accents. |
sanitizeHtmlTags | Sanitizes HTML tags from a string. |
sanitizeFileName | Sanitizes a filename. |
sanitizeJson | Sanitizes JSON data. |
sanitizeBase64 | Sanitizes a Base64 string. |
sanitizeHexadecimal | Sanitizes a hexadecimal string. |
sanitizeIPv4 | Sanitizes an IPv4 address. |
sanitizeIPv6 | Sanitizes an IPv6 address. |
sanitizeSSN | Sanitizes a Social Security Number (SSN). |
sanitizeWithAllowedCharacters | Sanitizes a string, keeping only specified allowed characters. |
toPascalCase | Converts a string to Pascal case. |
toConstantCase | Converts a string to constant case. |
toTrainCase | Converts a string to train case. |
toMacroCase | Converts a string to macro case. |
stringifyJson | Converts JSON data to a string. |
mapValuesJson | Maps values of a JSON object. |
mapKeysJson | Maps keys of a JSON object. |
omitJson | Omits specified keys from a JSON object. |
removeFalsyValues | Removes falsy values from an array. |
groupObjectsByKey | Groups objects in an array by a specified key. |
findMaxValue | Finds the maximum value in an array. |
findMinValue | Finds the minimum value in an array. |
calculateMedian | Calculates the median of an array of numbers. |
calculateStandardDeviation | Calculates the standard deviation of an array of numbers. |
deepClone | Creates a deep clone of an object. |
distinctValues | Finds distinct values in an array. |
calculateFactorial | Calculates the factorial of a number. |
calculatePower | Calculates the power of a number. |
roundToDecimalPlaces | Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places. |
generateRange | Generates a range of numbers. |
calculateSquareRoot | Calculates the square root of a number. |
calculateAbsoluteValue | Calculates the absolute value of a number. |
calculateLCM | Calculates the least common multiple of two numbers. |
toBinary | Converts a number to binary. |
fromBinary | Converts binary to a number. |
toMorseCode | Converts a string to Morse code. |
fromMorseCode | Converts Morse code to a string. |
trimStart | Trims whitespace from the beginning of a string. |
trimEnd | Trims whitespace from the end of a string. |
padStart | Pads the start of a string with specified characters. |
padEnd | Pads the end of a string with specified characters. |
substring | Extracts a substring from a string. |
indexOf | Returns the index of the first occurrence of a substring in a string. |
lastIndexOf | Returns the index of the last occurrence of a substring in a string. |
extractURLs | Extracts URLs from a string. |
extractEmails | Extracts email addresses from a string. |
extractHashtags | Extracts hashtags from a string. |
extractMentions | Extracts mentions from a string. |
removeHTMLTags | Removes HTML tags from a string. |
removeSpecificHTMLTags | Removes specific HTML tags from a string. |
replaceHTMLEntities | Replaces HTML entities in a string. |
encloseStringWith | Encloses a string with specified characters. |
trimMultiLineString | Trims whitespace from the beginning and end of each line in a multiline string. |
padWithAlternatingChars | Pads a string with alternating characters. |
replaceIfSurroundedByWhitespace | Replaces a substring if it's surrounded by whitespace. |
toFixedLengthWithRepeat | Truncates or pads a string to a fixed length, repeating characters if necessary. |
formatJson | Formats JSON data for readability. |
toFixedLengthWithEllipsis | Truncates or pads a string to a fixed length, adding an ellipsis if necessary. |
toFixedLengthWithFiller | Truncates or pads a string to a fixed length, filling with a specified filler character. |
toTitleCaseExcept | Converts a string to title case, excluding specified words. |
generateFibonacciSequence | Generates a Fibonacci sequence up to a specified length. |
factorial | Calculates the factorial of a number. |
calculateCircleArea | Calculates the area of a circle. |
degreesToRadians | Converts degrees to radians. |
radiansToDegrees | Converts radians to degrees. |
secondsToHHMMSS | Converts seconds to HH:MM:SS format. |
bytesToHumanReadable | Converts bytes to a human-readable format. |
getCurrentTimestampInSeconds | Gets the current timestamp in seconds. |
millisecondsToSeconds | Converts milliseconds to seconds. |
secondsToMilliseconds | Converts seconds to milliseconds. |
formatDate | Formats a date according to specified format. |
getCurrentTime | Gets the current time in HH:MM:SS format. |
introSort | Sorts an array using intro sort algorithm. |
mergeSort | Sorts an array using merge sort algorithm. |
quickSort | Sorts an array using quick sort algorithm. |
timSort | Sorts an array using Timsort algorithm. |
Function Name | Description |
isPositive | Checks if a number is positive. |
isNegative | Checks if a number is negative. |
isZero | Checks if a number is zero. |
isEmptyJson | Checks if a JSON object is empty. |
isIPv4 | Checks if a string is an IPv4 address. |
isIPv6 | Checks if a string is an IPv6 address. |
isLeapYear | Checks if a year is a leap year. |
isPrime | Checks if a number is a prime number. |
isEven | Checks if a number is even. |
isInRange | Checks if a number is within a specified range. |
isOdd | Checks if a number is odd. |
isDecimal | Checks if a number is a decimal. |
isDivisible | Checks if a number is divisible by another. |
isMACAddress | Checks if a string is a MAC address. |
isInteger | Checks if a number is an integer. |
isFloat | Checks if a number is a float. |
isObject | Checks if a value is an object. |
isTruthy | Checks if a value is truthy. |
isFalsy | Checks if a value is falsy. |
isError | Checks if a value is an error. |
isRegExp | Checks if a value is a regular expression. |
isPromise | Checks if a value is a promise. |
isNumber | Checks if a value is a number. |
isBoolean | Checks if a value is a boolean. |
isFunction | Checks if a value is a function. |
isSymbol | Checks if a value is a symbol. |
isUndefined | Checks if a value is undefined. |
isNull | Checks if a value is null. |
isBlob | Checks if a value is a Blob object. |
isFile | Checks if a value is a File object. |
isBigInt | Checks if a value is a BigInt. |
isCreditCard | Checks if a string is a credit card number. |
isURL | Checks if a string is a URL. |
isDate | Checks if a value is a Date object. |
isEmpty | Checks if a value is empty. |
isEqualArray | Checks if two arrays are equal. |
isEqualObject | Checks if two objects are equal. |
isAscii | Checks if a string contains only ASCII characters. |
isDivisibleBy | Checks if a number is divisible by a specified value. |
isHexadecimal | Checks if a string is a hexadecimal number. |
isHexColor | Checks if a string is a hexadecimal color code. |
isHSL | Checks if a string is an HSL color code. |
isIMEI | Checks if a string is an IMEI number. |
isISBN | Checks if a string is an ISBN number. |
isJSON | Checks if a string is a valid JSON. |
isJWT | Checks if a string is a JSON Web Token (JWT). |
isEmail | Checks if a string is an email address. |
isPalindrome | Checks if a string is a palindrome. |
isSSN | Checks if a string is a Social Security Number (SSN). |
isVIN | Checks if a string is a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). |
isLatitude | Checks if a string is a latitude coordinate. |
isLongitude | Checks if a string is a longitude coordinate. |
isWhitespace | Checks if a string contains only whitespace characters. |
isIPAddress | Checks if a string is an IP address. |
isOnlyAlpha | Checks if a string contains only alphabetic characters. |
isOnlyNumeric | Checks if a string contains only numeric characters. |
isOnlyAlphanumeric | Checks if a string contains only alphanumeric characters. |
isSafeNumberString | Checks if a string represents a safe number. |
isEmptyOrWhitespace | Checks if a string is empty or contains only whitespace characters. |
isObjectEmpty | Checks if an object is empty. |
isMimeType | Checks if a string is a valid MIME type. |
isSlug | Checks if a string is a URL slug. |
isStrongPassword | Checks if a string is a strong password. |
isAlpha | Checks if a string contains only alphabetic characters. |
isAlphaNumeric | Checks if a string contains only alphanumeric characters. |
hasSpecialCharacters | Checks if a string contains special characters. |
hasUppercase | Checks if a string contains uppercase characters. |
hasLowercase | Checks if a string contains lowercase characters. |
hasNumeric | Checks if a string contains numeric characters. |
hasWhitespace | Checks if a string contains whitespace characters. |
isString | Checks if a value is a string. |
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to utility-validate
, please follow these guidelines:
- Fork the repository on GitHub.
- Clone your forked repository (
git clone https://github.com/blckclov3r/utility-validate
). - Create a new branch for your changes (
git checkout -b your-branch-name
). - Make your changes.
- Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Description of your changes'
). - Push your changes to your branch (
git push origin your-branch-name
). - Create a Pull Request on GitHub.
MIT © blckclov3r