Releases: blazej222/PG-HWLD
PG-HWLD v1.0
You can download our dataset from here.
PG-HWLD v0.1
Development, non-final version of the dataset.
Tesseract binary
Unpack contents of this zip and place it in models/pytesseract/bin
dataset-EMNIST has to be unpacked in resources/datasets
dataset-multi-person and dataset-single-person have to be unpacked in resources/datasets/unpacked
You can then create further datasets by changing the margin value and running "ImageCropper", which creates square images centered on the character with preset margins on all 4 sides. (eg. margins 5, 10, 15)
After creating all datasets run "ImageTransformer" to convert all images in "resources/datasets/unpacked" to 28x28 denoised normalized model inputs. This may take up to 30 mins (no MT implemented).
TODO: Further simple data augmentation, Data Shuffler for testing sets
Dataset multi-person cropped-10 augmented
partial-dataset Merge branch 'imagetransformer-mp'
Those are zip files I found in our current project. You should put them under resources/datasets/archives.
And obviously, unpack them into resources/datasets/unpacked.
Good luck
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