methodr provides routing based on the request method written in golang. Fully http.Handler compliant.
$ go get
http.Handle("/foo", methodr.GET(getHandler).POST(postHandler).DEFAULT(notFoundHandler))
Also check the GoDocs.
- Simple Interface
- Fully http.Handler compliant (supports every good routing environment)
- No reflection/regex/nasty stuff
- No allocs as handler
- Fully tested (Coverage >99%)
- Fast (See Benchmarks)
- Only Stdlib
- Helper functions for all methods
- Full control if your setup is more complex
- Global or routebased default/catchall handler
Have a look at full and runnable examples in examples/main.go. Also check the GoDocs.
// Setup 1: Restrict route to single method
// POST/PUT/... will result in StatusMethodNotAllowed
// Note: HEAD will use GET unless HEAD handler was set.
http.Handle("/foo1", methodr.GET(getHandler))
// Setup 2: Restrict route with custom default handler
// POST/PUT/... will result in StatusNotFound
http.Handle("/foo2", methodr.GET(getHandler).DEFAULT(notFoundHandler))
//NOTE: If you're not happy with the global default handler, you can set it:
// methodr.DefaultHandler = myBadRequestHandler
// Setup 3: Route depending on method
// Use chains to specify different routes, order is nonrelevant.
// PATCH/PUT/... will result in StatusMethodNotAllowed
http.Handle("/foo3", methodr.GET(getHandler).POST(postHandler))
// Equivalent to: http.Handle("/foo3", methodr.POST(postHandler).GET(getHandler))
// Setup 4: Setup more complicated routes
mux := &methodr.Mux{
Get: getHandler,
Post: postHandler,
Patch: postHandler,
Default: notFoundHandler,
http.Handle("/foo4", mux)
// Equivalent to:
// http.Handle("/foo4", methodr.GET(getHandler).POST(postHandler).PATCH(postHandler).DEFAULT(notFoundHandler))
To get a list of all available methods see the GoDocs.
BenchmarkNoRoutingReference 500000000 7.46 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkRoutingHit 50000000 31.2 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkRoutingMissToDefault 50000000 35.0 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkRoutingMissToCustom 50000000 36.2 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
See benchmark cases at methodr_test.go
Feel free to make a pull request. For bigger changes create a issue first to discuss about it.
See LICENSE file.