MockSite Project Structure
- Src
- MockSite.Common.Core
- 放置 Constant 設定
- 放置 Consul 相關設定
- 放置狀態碼列舉值
- 放置 Request & Response Base Model
- 放置設定檔讀取的 Helper 類別
- 放置 Consul 內設定值的 Helper 類別
- MockSite.Common.Data
- 資料存取層的封裝
- MockSite.Common.Logging
- Logging Framework 封裝
- MockSite.Core
- 放置 MockSite 會用到的 Entity & DTO
- 放置 Repository 用 MockSite.Common.Data 從資料存取層讀取資料
- User Service 接口與實作
- MockSite.DomainService
- gRPC Service 實作
- gRPC service binding
- 用 Unity 解析 UserService
- 用 Unity 定義解析時使用 UserService/Performanceinterceptor/UserRepository
- 用 Unity 定義如何用 AOP 監測執行時間
- 讀取存放在 Consul MockSite 資料夾的環境變數
- MockSite.Message
- 定義 gRPC 所用的proto檔路徑與產出路徑
- gRPC 產生的類別
- MockSite.Test
- MockSite.Web
- 使用 AddScoped 設定 UserService 的注入
- 定義 UserController 透過 gRPC 調用 gRPC server 的 UserService
- 定義 AuthorizedController 透過建構子注入 MockSite.Web 內的 UserService
- MockSite.Common.Core
- database
- 從 Dockhub 抓取 mariadb Image
- 設定 Port 導向
- 設定 mariadb password
- 設定容器卷
- 設定 Consul 的連線資訊
- dump 目錄內的 script 會自動執行初始資料
.NET Core
Download Package from
dotnet tool cake
dotnet tool install -g Cake.Tool --version 0.35.0
install dotnet core https dev cert
dotnet dev-certs https --trust
Path of front-end :
Install node in your system, and do
npm install
Please see database preparation README file on DataBase folder.
dotnet build
command of project is depend on cake and gitversion with dotnet tools.
Default Build will trigger Restore, Build and Test. So need to start up DB first.
Build with Cake
dotnet cake build.cake --target="Default-Build"
Get Version with gitversion
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/repo" gittools/gitversion:4.0.1-beta1-61-linux-debian-netcoreapp2.1 /repo > version.json
Default build-task to define flow of publish
Task("Task-Publish-Nuget") .IsDependentOn("Clean-Folder") .IsDependentOn("Restore") .IsDependentOn("Build") .IsDependentOn("Test") .IsDependentOn("Versioning") .IsDependentOn("Package-NuGet") .IsDependentOn("Deploy-Nuget") .Does(() => { Information("Publish-Nuget"); });
Task("Task-Publish-Domain") .IsDependentOn("Clean-Folder") .IsDependentOn("Restore") .IsDependentOn("Build") .IsDependentOn("Test") .IsDependentOn("Publish-Domain") .Does(() => { Information("Publish-Domain"); });
Task("Task-Publish-Web") .IsDependentOn("Clean-Folder") .IsDependentOn("Restore") .IsDependentOn("Build") .IsDependentOn("Test") .IsDependentOn("Publish-Web") .Does(() => { Information("Publish-Web"); });
(已完成 Local Initialize Steps -> Step 1 - DB Restore 可略過此步驟)
Path of docker-compose file: /database/docker-compose.yml
Move to directory where docker-compose.yml exists and run containers.
docker-compose up -d
Path of Domain Service: /src/MockSite.DomainService
Please run below command to run console for Domain Service:
dotnet run
Path of Web Service: /src/MockSite.Web
Please run below command to host website for ASP.NET Core and NodeJS (for React development only):
dotnet run
Lanuch Jaeger UI with port 16686.
Please reference Jaeger README file to get further information.
Lanuch Consul UI with port 18500.
Click Key/Value button to view configuration page
Choose MockSite
Edit the json in text box and Click Save button.
Front-end UI framework development README file
Path of ASP.NET Core solution: /MockSite.sln
Run or Debug from Rider/Dotnet CLI/vscode to host SPA Service
for React Development
Please reference gRPC development README file if you try to add new method in Domain Service and explore to Application to calling to support front-end CRUD of data.