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BlaCk Void Zsh

Awesome Zsh Setting.


Korean Docs

Notice!! 🥽🧪⚗️

We are experimenting with a big change in #23.

Table of Contents

1. Feature.

Sample Video

1.1 Powerful View.

More Theme, More Information: Wiki:Customize


Powerline Theme The prompt consists of two lines.
The upper line is for displaying information, and the lower line is for writing commands.

  • Upper Line
    • Left: account info, root user, using ssh, directory lotation, write permission, vcs info
    • Right: result status, background job, command execution time, history, zsh load time
  • Lower Line
    • Syntax highlight, Auto Suggestion.
    • When auto suggestion comes up, you can complete with right(→) arrow key.

Simple Theme

  • Upper Line
    • directory lotation, vcs info, account info, write permission, root user, command execution time
  • Lower Line
    • Left: prompt conditional , writing commands
      • Syntax highlight, Auto Suggestion.
      • When auto suggestion comes up, you can complete with right(→) arrow key.
    • Right: background job, result status

[Experimental]How to cutomize or switch?

  • Copy file to your home.
    • cp $BVZSH/BlaCk-Void.ztheme ~/.ztheme && Customize!!
    • Restrictions: Work only in ~/.ztheme
  • THEME MODE list: auto, powerline, simple, powerline-single, simple-single
    • auto: Default is powerline.
      When not support xterm or 256 color, simple theme Activate.
  • COLOR MODE list: auto, flex, fixed
    • auto: Deafault is fixed.
      When not support xterm or 256 color, flex color Activate.
  • Icon MODE list: auto, nerd, powerline
    • auto: Deafault is nerd.
      When ssh or root, powerline icon Activate.
  • FAQ: Why do not you support zsh-theme anymore? || Can not change during use?
    This isn’t supported by powerlevel10k.


The interaction with Git is easy compared to the file manager.

In turn

Source - Add any file - Modify file
Staging - Commit - Push

1.2 Easy Command Input.

More Features: Wiki:Features

Auto Pair. Match parentheses, quotes, etc.

Fix. If you can’t find the command, suggest a correction.
If the execution is not done properly, just typing ’fuck’. It will suggest.

Display Info. Commands that can be abbreviated are indicated by a Alias tip.
If you press ’<TAB>’ while typing command, it is recommended to divide by category.

You can search history by pressing the up(↑) arrow key.

Integration with Fzf.

  • Ctrl+t: File, Directory select.(Multiple selecting use <TAB>)
  • Ctrl+r: History select.
  • Alt+c: Directory select.
  • Command ** +<TAB>: Select after vi ** as input.
  • ssh, telnet, kill, unset, export..etc with integration.

Please refer to fzf for more information.


Very simple to use git.

  • c: commit
  • a: add
  • p: push
  • u: pull
  • r: remote
  • s: status

Git X Fzf glo screenshot.

  • ga: git add
  • glo: git log
  • gi: gitignore
  • gd: git diff
  • gcf: git checkout
  • gss: git stash
  • gclean: git clean


  • bookmark [mark]:Bookmark to [mark].
  • jump [mark]:Move to [mark].
  • showmarks [mark]:Show [mark]’s directory.
  • deletemark [mark]:Delete [mark].
  • cd <dots>: Move to the upper directory by the number of <dots>.
  • j [keyword]: Move to [keyword] similar directory.

1.3 Terminal Utility.

Internet Tools.

  • prettyping: Show pretty ping.
  • ip-info: Show ip info.

Terminal Image Viewer. Show image like preview.
You can use with command img

Useage: img FILE_NAME TIME
(TIME default 2s)

img Feature

  • Supported: Konsole, Xterm, Urxvt, Terminology, Yakuake,
  • Unsupported: Terminator, Hyper, Tilix, gnome terminal, Guake, LXterminal, Putty, Alacritty

for unsupported Terminals
use tiv or fim

Weather. Useage:
weather or weather LOCALE LANGUAGE(option)

Default Language: Your system’s language

Map. Useage:

2. Install.

2.1 Supported Platforms.

  • Linux

Debin-based(Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, ..), RPM-based(Fedora, CentOS, Redhat, ..), Pacman-based(Arch, Manjaro, Antergos, ..)

  • Others

Mac, FreeBSD-based

  • Requirements
    • bash
  • Install
git clone ~/.zsh
bash ~/.zsh/

Then, terminal font set to one of Nerd Fonts (font install’s 1 option is hack nerd font) && restart.

When you want to use with awesome tmux, Check BlaCk-Void-Tmux

  • Beta Version
git clone -b powertools ~/.zsh
bash ~/.zsh/

2.2 Docker

Pull or Build docker

docker pull alstjr7375/bvzsh:latest
# or
git clone && cd BlaCk-Void-Zsh/Docker
docker build --tag=alstjr7375/bvzsh:lastest .


docker run --rm -it alstjr7375/bvzsh

2.3 Manual Install (Others).

  • Requirements
  • Install
    • Git Clone
      git clone ~/.zsh && cd ~/.zsh
    • zinit(replace antigen, old name: zplugin)
      mkdir ~/.zplugin
      git clone ~/.zplugin/bin
    • nerdfont(powerline support font)
      git clone
      cd nerd-fonts && ./
      cd ..

      Install font from Nerd Fonts.

    • Add to .zshrc

      Source File[Recommend]
      echo "source BlaCk-Void.zshrc" >> ~/.zshrc

      or Link
      ln -svf BlaCk-Void.zshrc ~/.zshrc

      or Copy(Can’t zsh-update)
      cp -v BlaCk-Void.zshrc ~/.zshrc

    • Zsh Shell Set
      sudo chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh

      sudo chsh -s $(which zsh)

    • Terminal set

    Terminal font set to one of Nerd Fonts && restart.

2.4 Update.

zsh-update: BVZSH, plugin manger, plugins update.
font-update: Nerdfont Update

3. Info.

3.1 Theme.

3.2 Plugins.

Plugin Manager

  • Zinit(Old Name: Zplugin)

Default Repo (robbyrussell’s oh-my-zsh).



  • Autojump: Enables Autojump if installed with homebrew, macports or debian/ubuntu package.
  • Command Not Found: This plugin uses the command-not-found package for zsh to provide suggested packages to be installed if a command cannot be found.
  • FZF: This plugin enables junegunn’s fzf fuzzy auto-completion and key bindings.
  • Git: Adds a lot of git aliases and functions for pulling for dealing with the current branch.
  • Gitfast: This plugin adds completion for Git, using the zsh completion from git.git folks, which is much faster than the official one from zsh.
  • Pip: pip - completion plugin for the pip command.
  • Sudo: ESC twice: Puts sudo in front of the current command, or the last one if the command line is empty.
  • Thefuck: The Fuck plugin — magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
  • Tmux Provides aliases for Tmux.
  • Tmuxinator: Completions for tmuxinator.
  • Urltools: Provides two aliases to URL-encode(urlencode) and URL-decode(urldecode) strings.

Custom Repo

  • Zsh 256 Color: This ZSH plugin enhances the terminal environment with 256 colors.
  • Alias Tips: Help remembering those shell aliases and Git aliases you once defined.
  • Zsh Async: Because your terminal should be able to perform tasks asynchronously without external tools!
  • Zsh Autosuggestions: Fish-like fast/unobtrusive autosuggestions for zsh.
  • Zsh Autopair: A simple plugin that auto-closes, deletes and skips over matching delimiters in zsh intelligently
  • Zsh Completions: Additional completion definitions for Zsh.
  • Enhancd: A next-generation cd command with an interactive filter.
  • Fast Syntax Highlighting: Feature rich syntax highlighting for Zsh.
  • Forgit: Forgit is a utility tool for git taking advantage of fuzzy finder fzf.
  • Fzf Widgets: ZLE widgets of fzf.
  • Zsh Git Smart Commands: Wrappers for common git commands so they can be used in aliases very efficiently.
  • h: A command line tool to highlight terms
  • Zsh History Substring Search: Fish-like history search feature.
  • Zsh Interactive Cd: Press tab for completion as usual with fzf.
  • Zsh Lazyenv: Environments for lazy load commands and speed up start up time of zsh.
  • Zsh Marks: A port of Bashmarks (simple bookmarking plugin by Todd Werth) for oh-my-zsh
  • Zsh Notify: Desktop notifications for long-running commands in zsh.
  • TLDR: Simplified and community-driven man pages
  • up: Move to the upper directory by the number of <dots>.

3.3 My Terminal Environment.

  • OS: Kubuntu 18.10
  • Terminal: Konsole
  • Font: Hack Nerd Font
  • Color Scheme: Breeze