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A modern and lightweight documentation theme for wmk


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Walto is a modern and lightweight wmk theme for documentation sites. It is based upon the Alto Hugo theme by Liam Bigelow on behalf of CloudCannon. For an example of it in use, see the wmk documentation site. Main features:

  • Pre-configured static site search with Pagefind.
  • Light/dark modes and an easily adjustable color palette for both.
  • Header and footer content configurable from wmk_config.yaml.
  • Content-driven main navigation, optimized for a site with nav: auto.
  • Optional announcement banner with a configurable expiration time.
  • Creates a sitemap to facilitate search engine indexing (can be disabled).


  • The theme is designed for wmk v1.10 or newer. Older versions may not work.

  • For the Pagefind functionality to work, you must have npm installed and have npx in your PATH.

  • For syntax highlighting in code blocks you need either Pygments or pandoc to be installed.


Most of the settings affecting Walto are in the site part of wmk_config. They fall into 6 kinds: (1) General information about the page or website; (2) links and images for the header and footer; (3) attributes to add javascript or css additions to the header or body without having to touch templates; (4) navigation and search settings; (5) banner; and (6) colors.

General information

This is metadata that mainly affects the <head> part of the HTML for the page, although some of it has more visible effects.

  • site.project_name is just the name of the website. It appears as the site name in the metadata, is appended to the page title and is used as the alt text for the site logo.

  • site.base_url and site.leading_path: If your website is served from an independent domain or subdomain, then the latter of these should be the empty string (the default). site.base_url should be set to the absolute URL to the root page of the website (including the leading path, if any), but without the trailing / or /index.html. Examples:, The base_url must be set for much of the metadata to be of any use when sharing your page on social media and for the sitemap.xml file to be produced but has little effect otherwise.

  • site.default_og_image: This is used as a fallback image for social media (the og:image property) if the page does not set a page.main_img.

  • site.favicon: An object representing the different versions of the favicon for the site. It has the keys default. large, small, apple_touch , msapp_tile_color and theme_color. All are optional, but some defaults are set by Walto.

  • site.locale can be overriden on a page-by-page basis with page.locale. It should consist of a five character string of the form xx_YY, where xx stands for the language code (lowercase) and YY for the country or territory (preferably uppercase). The locale setting affects the og:locale OpenGraph metadata attribute and may also affect the lang setting for the document (see below).

  • site.lang can be overridden on a page-by-page basis with page.lang. It indicates the lang attribute of the HTML document, which affects Pagefind search. If neither page.lang nor site.lang is specified but either page.locale or site.locale is, then the lang value is set to the first two letters of the locale value, or falls back to en if neither locale nor lang is known.

  • page.og_type can be used to explicitly set the og:type OpenGraph metadata attribute, which defaults to article (except on the front page where it is set to website).

  • page.description, if present, should contain a short description of the content of the page. It is used as the value of the og:description OpenGraph property. In the absence of page.description, page.summary is used instead. Note that page.summary can be autogenerated from the content of the page by setting page.generate_summary to True.

  • page.title appears in the <title> tag, as the value of the og:title OpenGraph property, and is also used as the headline of the page. (If the page is produced by a standalone template rather than normal content, the inheritable attribute title is used instead; similarly for lang, locale, description, og_type, and main_img).

  • site.disable_sitemap: If this is true, then the sitemap.xml file will not be produced, even if site.base_url is set to an appropriate value.

Header and footer

  • site.logo is an object describing the logo and/or title at the left of the header, with a link to the front page of the site. Its three keys are heading (the abbreviated project name), image (the optional logo image for the site), and image_dark (an alternate version of the logo image to use in dark mode). If image points to an SVG image with fill set to currentColor, then image_dark can generally be omitted. If site.logo is not specified, then site.project_name is used as a fallback for site.logo.heading.

  • site.topnav_links is an optional list of links to display in the right part of the header, immediately to the right of the mode switching icon and (in mobile) the main menu "hamburger" symbol. Each link is an object with the keys url, label and (optionally) icon and alt. The icon should be an SVG image whose height and width are equal; it will get a display size of 32x32 pixels. There is not much room here, so labels should be kept short and links few.

  • site.header_css_class can be used to affect how the header is displayed on narrow screens, i.e. mobile phones. The value wrap causes the right (the logo) and left (the links, mode toggle and menu) parts of the header to be broken into two lines on mobile. The value hidden-links causes the topnav_links to be invisible in mobile. These may of course be combined if desired, i.e. wrap hidden-links.

  • site.footer is an object with any of the keys disable, css_class, html or links. The first of these, if set to True, obviously removes the footer entirely, while the second specifies its css class. The default value of css_class is contain, meaning that the header is to be kept to the same width as the main body of the page. The value of site.footer.html is arbitrary HTML to insert at the start of the footer. As for site.footer.links, that should be a list of items whose keys are url, title (both required), image and alt (both optional).

HTML snippets

  • site.head_extra can be overridden by page.head_extra and, if present, should contain HTML to insert at the end of the <head> section. Typically this is additional Javascript or CSS.

  • site.end_of_body, if present, should contain HTML to insert just before the closing </body> tag. Typically this is a <script> tag.

Navigation and search

  • site.pagefind: If this is True (the default), then Pagefind search is active on the page. If you disable this, you should also override the default cleanup_commands so as to remove the indexing step.

  • site.main_nav: Contains settings for the main navigation unit (in the hamburger menu on mobile and on the left in desktop and tablet). The keys are title (default: "Docs") and sections_collapsible (default: false). The title is the heading for the menu (only visible in desktop), while sections_collapsible indicates that the items under each section heading are initially hidden. In this case, the items belonging to a particular section only become visible when one of the pages under it is active or the section is toggled open by the user. This is especially useful for sites that have many pages and/or sections in the main navigation menu.


The site.banner setting defines an optional banner shown at the very top of the page with an announcement or welcome message. When dismissed, it will not reappear in that particular browser. The banner has the following keys:

  • enable: If this is set to false, the banner will never be shown. Default: true.
  • html: The message itself.
  • id: The HTML id of the message. If you change this, the banner will reappear even if the user has dismissed it previously. Default: walto-banner.
  • show_until: A datetime in ISO-8601 format indicating when the message expires. It will not be visible after that date.
  • close_label: Text associated with the close button (for screen readers). Default: "Close".


The setting site.colors can be used to almost completely redefine the color scheme of the page. Here are the contents of the default data/wmk_config.d/site/colors.yaml file of the theme:

    text: '#000000'
    flip-text: '#ffffff'
    text-main: '#363636'
    text-bright: '#000000'
    text-muted: '#70777f'
    links: '#0076d1'
    highlight: '#de935f'
    selection: '#9e9e9e'
    form-placeholder: '#949494'
    form-text: '#1d1d1d'
    background-body: '#fff'
    background-input: '#efefef'
    background-alt: '#f7f7f7'
    # measured-light
    base00: "#fdf9f5"
    base01: "#f9f5f1"
    base02: "#ffeada"
    base03: "#5a5a5a"
    base04: "#404040"
    base05: "#292929"
    base06: "#181818"
    base07: "#000000"
    base08: "#ac1f35"
    base09: "#ad5601"
    base0a: "#645a00"
    base0b: "#0c680c"
    base0c: "#01716f"
    base0d: "#0158ad"
    base0e: "#6645c2"
    base0f: "#a81a66"
    button-base: '#d0cfcf'
    button-hover: '#9b9b9b'
    scrollbar-thumb: '#aaaaaa'
    scrollbar-thumb-hover: '#9b9b9b'
    border: '#dbdbdb'
    focus: '#0096bfab'
    pagefind-ui-primary: '#000000'
    pagefind-ui-secondary: '#000000'
    pagefind-ui-background: '#efefef'
    pagefind-ui-border: '#dbdbdb'
    pagefind-ui-tag: '#efefef'
    text: '#e6edf3'
    flip-text: '#e6edf3'
    text-main: '#e6edf3'
    text-bright: '#ffffff'
    text-muted: '#c8c8c8'
    links: '#58a4e0'
    highlight: '#de935f'
    selection: '#616161'
    form-placeholder: '#e0e0e0'
    form-text: '#f0f0f0'
    background-body: '#121516'
    background-input: '#1d1f21'
    background-alt: '#080808'
    # railscasts
    base00: "#2b2b2b"
    base01: "#272935"
    base02: "#3a4055"
    base03: "#5a647e"
    base04: "#d4cfc9"
    base05: "#e6e1dc"
    base06: "#f4f1ed"
    base07: "#f9f7f3"
    base08: "#da4939"
    base09: "#cc7833"
    base0a: "#ffc66d"
    base0b: "#a5c261"
    base0c: "#519f50"
    base0d: "#6d9cbe"
    base0e: "#b6b3eb"
    base0f: "#bc9458"
    button-base: '#2b2b2b'
    button-hover: '#606060'
    scrollbar-thumb: '#555555'
    border: '#dbdbdb'
    focus: '#0096bfab'
    pagefind-ui-primary: '#D8D8D8'
    pagefind-ui-secondary: '#D8D8D8'
    pagefind-ui-background: '#1d1f21'
    pagefind-ui-border: '#2b2b2b'
    pagefind-ui-tag: '#1d1f21'

As can be seen from the above, there are separate settings for light and dark mode, each of which is divided into logical sections. Most of them are self-explanatory. You only need to set the values for the colors that you actually modify (except for the pagefind-ui colors, since they apply to a separate stylesheet).

The code highlighting palette follows the base16 convention. A gallery with many such color palettes is available here.

Other settings

The following defaults set by Walto apply at the top level of the configuration file and are not part of the site section.

  • pandoc is not set by Waldo but is supported by the theme. If pandoc is set to true, Pandoc will be used to convert your markup to HTML. This is needed if you have non-markdown content or want to use some of Pandoc's special features. You may also prefer Pandoc's code highlighting output to that of Pygments – or possibly may want to avoid installing the latter.

  • toc: This is is set to true by Walto, so as to ensure that subheadings get an id attribute in the HTML. This, in turn, activates the anchor link feature (the muted hashtag to the left of headings). Otherwise it does not affect rendering in this theme. If you have activated Pandoc, the toc setting is not needed for the anchor feature to work, and may be turned off for slightly improved performance.

  • markdown_extensions is set to ['extra', 'sane_lists', 'toc', 'pymdownx.superfences', 'pymdownx.highlight'] by Waldo, and in the settings for pymdownx.highlight Pygments is turned on.

  • cleanup_commands is set to ['npx -y pagefind --site htdocs'], which builds the Pagefind index. If you have set site.pagefind to False you should turn this off as well (or replace it with your own commands).

Content authoring

The only major consideration when authoring content for use by Waldo is to make sure that the main navigation menu is populated properly. Walto sets nav to auto by default, so the easiest and most natural way to do this is to add nav_section and nav_order (or weight) to the front matter in your content files. For details, see the wmk documentation.

The navigation menu can of course also be defined manually. In this case, be aware that Walto does not support multiple levels of nesting out of the box. It is designed for a simple list of links or sections, with each section only containing links and no subsections of their own.


A modern and lightweight documentation theme for wmk







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