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Quickstart #1

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Quickstart #1

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@bjrbhre bjrbhre commented Mar 20, 2019


Deploy a JWT-secured JSON-LD Rest API + React admin backoffice in <1h 20 minutes 🚀
See it live:

Just Do It 🔥

#! /usr/bin/env bash

set -e

[ -z "$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" ] && echo "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID not defined" && exit 1
[ -z "$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" ] && echo "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY not defined" && exit 1
[ -z "$HEROKU_TEAM" ] && echo "HEROKU_TEAM not defined" && exit 1

git clone -b 'quickstart' -o fork [email protected]:bjrbhre/api-platform.git quickstart
cd quickstart
make start && make fixtures

JWT_PASSPHRASE=$(openssl rand -base64 32) 

make provision
make deploy


This quick start is based on API Platform, adding the following features:

  • API entities: additional requirements for easier creation of API Entities
  • Deployment: config to deploy on Heroku (API) and AWS/S3 (admin)
  • Security: requirements & config to add JWT in local & deployed environment
  • Automation: Makefile to automate install, provision, deploy

This is mainly based on Getting Started with API Platform and related documentations. API Platform has a 🕷as a logo and is built on top of Symfony. In their own word

REST and GraphQL framework to build modern API-driven projects


Among other things, we have the following features out-of-the-box:

  • API + admin / client apps boilerplates
  • Docker & Helm setup
  • Swagger doc + "Try it" page


Admin Backoffice

The admin app is particularly interesting. It leverages the JSON-LD exposed by the API to auto-discover resources and expose them using React-admin and Create React App.


How To

Below you will find links to commits from this fork. In each commit & commit message you will find more details about what commands to type, doc to read, changes to implement.

Fast Foward ⏩

If you just want to go straight to the point, clone the fork and run make.

Clone the fork

git clone -b 'quickstart' -o fork [email protected]:bjrbhre/api-platform.git quickstart
cd quickstart
git remote add -f upstream [email protected]:api-platform/api-platform.git

Start on localhost

make start && make fixtures

When the containers are up, you should now have access to:

And you should be able to connect with fixture'd credentials:

To get a JWT token

Provision & Deploy

Provision Heroku app and AWS/S3 bucket & Deploy

JWT_PASSPHRASE=$(openssl rand -base64 32) 
make provision
make deploy

Test Live

Create a user

make api/user

If you want to grant ROLE_ADMIN role to your user:

heroku run ./api/bin/console fos:user:promote $EMAIL ROLE_ADMIN

You should now be able to connect to the API hosted on Heroku or directly to the admin backoffice hosted on AWS/S3:

  • API on https://${HEROKU_TEAM}
  • Admin on http://${HEROKU_TEAM}

Detailed Steps 🔍

If you want to understand the different points addressed on top of API Platform distribution, you can reproduce this step-by-step guide.

Prerequisites ✅

The following commands should succeed

which git
which docker
which docker-compose
which aws
which heroku

For deployment:

  • make sure you have an AWS user w/ access keys and AmazonS3FullAccess, see doc
  • make sure you create a Heroku team, see doc
  • export those variables, consider using direnv
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=...
export HEROKU_TEAM=...

Checkout API Platform distribution 🎉

We suppose we will work in a quickstart folder.
Checkout the latest stable version of API Platform.

git clone -b 'v2.3.6' -o upstream [email protected]:api-platform/api-platform.git quickstart
cd quickstart
git checkout -b quickstart

You can also download an archive of any release here.

If you plan to use this as a boilerplate for your own project and don't care about upstream updates, you can squash all commits or reset git setup:

rm -rf .git
git init
git add .
git commit -m ":tada: Init from [API Platform v2.3.6]("

You can also consider adding it as a sub-folder of your already-existing project with git-subtree.

Build 🐳

Build it... and go take a coffee ☕️

docker-compose up -d

When the containers are up, you should now have access to:

API entities 🗃

Deployment 🚀

Security 🔒

Deployment automation ♻️ 🚀

Next Steps 🤔

Add your own models 🗃

Leverage the Symfony MakerBundle to quickly create your own models:

alias sf='docker-compose exec php ./bin/console'
sf make:entity --api-resource
sf doctrine:migration:diff


Generate a client app 🎨

API Platform also has on-the-shelf tooling to setup an Client app boilerplate

docker-compose exec client generate-api-platform-client

🐛 It fails due to

Error: Cannot find module 'lodash'


I cannot remember how I made it work on api-platform/api-platform@6f55803 🙈. If you do, then, as explained by the console output, import and inject the generated routes and reducers in the App. See api-platform/api-platform@7978c52

To Do 👷





- maker-bundle to easily create Entities
- validator and annotations to enforce requirements on Entities
- migrations
- behat for E2E testing (needs some adjustements to make it work)

docker-compose exec php composer require symfony/maker-bundle --dev
docker-compose exec php composer require symfony/validator doctrine/annotations
docker-compose exec php composer require migrations
docker-compose exec php composer require --dev behat/behat
docker-compose exec php vendor/bin/behat --init
bjrbhre added 12 commits March 22, 2019 17:06
docker-compose exec php composer require symfony/translation
docker-compose exec  php composer require symfony/apache-pack
Makefile target to create app
	heroku apps:create \
		--team $(HEROKU_TEAM) \
		--region $(HEROKU_REGION) \
		--remote $(DEPLOYMENT_ENV) \
		--buildpack \
		--addons heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev \

Makefile target to setup environment
provision/api/environment: provision/api/app
	heroku config:set -a $(API_APP_NAME) \
		APP_ENV=prod \
		APP_SECRET=$(shell openssl rand -base64 32) \
Mostly inspired from [doc](
- use Lexik for JWT authentication
- use FOSUserBundle for User entity
- FOSUserBundle config depends on SwiftMailer
- add doctrine fixtures to provision users

docker-compose exec php composer require "lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle"
docker-compose exec php composer require friendsofsymfony/user-bundle
docker-compose exec php composer require swiftmailer-bundle
docker-compose exec php composer require --dev doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle
- table is `fos_user` to avoid conflict w/ Postgres `user`
- enable users by default
- add ACLs on User
- fixtures for admin & user
Issue is that JWT keys cannot be store on the filesystem.
Proposal is to read them from ENV.
Start on localhost
make start fixtures
[email protected] make token
[email protected] make token

Provision & Deploy
JWT_DIR=provision/jwt JWT_PASSPHRASE=$(openssl rand -base64 32) make provision  # to provision deployment env
make deploy

make clean
make clean/all

Destroy (requires confirmation)
make destroy/api  # interactive confirmation
FORCE="--force" make destroy/admin  # requires --force to confirm
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bjrbhre commented Mar 25, 2019

Using subtree:

ifndef SUBTREE

	cd .. && git push $(DEPLOYMENT_ENV) `git subtree split --prefix ${SUBTREE} HEAD`:master $(FORCE)

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bjrbhre commented Mar 26, 2019

Secured Infra 🔒

How to Provision 🔥

MASTER_USER_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 32) \
make provision/aws
API_HOST=api-staging.${CUSTOME_DOMAIN} \
make deploy/admin

Detailed Procedure 🔍

The following security measure can be added to your deployment:

  • provision an encrypted DB on AWS/RDS
  • enforce SSL connection to this DB
  • deploy API / Admin on custom domain w/ SSL support
  • redirect HTTP to HTTPS

Below you can find a draft of Makefile targets that can do 80% of the job + manual instructions for the remaining 20%.

Create Security Group

Used to define the ingress rules for the DB access

	aws --region $(AWS_REGION) ec2 create-security-group \
		--group $(API_APP_NAME) \
		--description "Security group for $(API_APP_NAME)"
	$(eval SECURITY_GROUP_ID=`aws ec2 describe-security-groups --group-names $(API_APP_NAME) | jq -r .SecurityGroups[0].GroupId`)
	aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
		--group-id "$(SECURITY_GROUP_ID)" \
		--ip-permissions IpProtocol=tcp,FromPort=5432,ToPort=5432,IpRanges='[{Description=PSQL/Public,CidrIp=}]',UserIdGroupPairs="[{Description=PSQL/SG,GroupId=$(SECURITY_GROUP_ID)}]"
	mkdir -p $@

provision/$(DEPLOYMENT_ENV)/aws/ec2: provision/$(DEPLOYMENT_ENV)/aws/ec2/security_group
	touch $@

Create RDS/Parameter Group

Used to add custom params to the DB config (require SSL)

	aws --region $(AWS_REGION) rds create-db-parameter-group \
		--db-parameter-group-name secured-postgres10 \
		--db-parameter-group-family postgres10 \
		--description "Add secured params"
	aws --region $(AWS_REGION) rds modify-db-parameter-group \
		--db-parameter-group-name secured-postgres10 \
		--parameters ParameterName=rds.force_ssl,ParameterValue=1,ApplyMethod=immediate
	mkdir -p $@

Create Database Instance

⚠️ Request Certificate in your AWS_REGION (ex. eu-west-3 for Paris) on AWS/CloudFront and store its ARN in AWS_KMS_KEY_ID.

provision/$(DEPLOYMENT_ENV)/aws/rds: provision/$(DEPLOYMENT_ENV)/aws/rds/create-db-instance provision/$(DEPLOYMENT_ENV)/aws/ec2/security_group
	$(eval SECURITY_GROUP_ID=`aws ec2 describe-security-groups --group-names $(API_APP_NAME) | jq -r .SecurityGroups[0].GroupId`)
	aws --region $(AWS_REGION) rds create-db-instance \
		--engine postgres \
		--engine-version 10.6 \
		--db-instance-class $(DB_INSTANCE_CLASS) \
		--allocated-storage $(ALLOCATED_STORAGE) \
		--db-instance-identifier $(API_APP_NAME)-`uuidgen` \
		--db-name api \
		--port 5432 \
		--master-username $(HEROKU_TEAM)_api_$(DEPLOYMENT_ENV) \
		--master-user-password $(MASTER_USER_PASSWORD) \
		--publicly-accessible \
		--vpc-security-group-ids "$(SECURITY_GROUP_ID)" \
		--db-parameter-group-name secured-postgres10 \
		--kms-key-id ${AWS_KMS_KEY_ID} \

Recommandation for prod instance specifications:


When created & available, you can test the connection:

# list instances
aws rds describe-db-instances | \
    jq -r '.DBInstances[]| [.Endpoint.Address, .StorageEncrypted] | join(", ")'

# connect w/o SSL (should fail)
psql -h $DB_HOST -p 5432 "user=$DB_USER dbname=$DB_NAME sslmode=disable"

# forcing SSL
psql -h $DB_HOST -p 5432 "user=$DB_USER dbname=$DB_NAME sslmode=require"

Related doc:

Provision SSL Certificate

Use Let's Encrypt and certbot

brew install certbot
sudo certbot certonly --manual
heroku certs:add /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain/fullchain.pem /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain/privkey.pem

Then add you custom domain:

heroku domains:add api-staging.${CUSTOM_DOMAIN}

And add the related CNAME record in AWS/Route53

See this post

Update Heroku config

heroku config:set CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN="^https://(admin|client)-staging.${CUSTOM_DOMAIN}$"
heroku config:set DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:password@host:5432/api?sslmode=require
heroku config:set TRUSTED_HOSTS=api-staging.${CUSTOM_DOMAIN}

Cloudfront distribution

⚠️ Request Certificate in us-east-1. Go to AWS/CloudFront

Create a Web distribution

  • Origin Domain Name: the endpoint url of the bucket ${HEROKU_TEAM}-admin-${DEPLOYMENT_ENV}
  • Default Cache Behavior Settings:
    • select Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
  • Distribution Settings
    • Price Class: select Use Only U.S., Canada and Europe
    • Alternate Domain Names: admin-${DEPLOYMENT_ENV}.${CUSTOM_DOMAIN}
    • SSL Certificate: Custom SSL Certificate and chose the wildcard
    • Default Root Object: index.html

Once created, configure custom error response
Screenshot 2019-03-25 19 32 50

DNS Record for Cloudfront

Wait for the Cloudfront distribution to be provisionned.
Go to AWS/Route53.
Create a new A record entry with using Alias and Alias Target equal to the Cloudfront distribution.

Known issues

  • 🐛 Postgres sslmode=verify-full on Heroku StackOverflow / doc
  • ⚠️ DB version in postgres:10-alpine Container is 10.7 vs. 10.6-R1 on AWS/RDS

Makefile adjustments

# override API_HOST to deploy Admin on custom domain
ifndef API_HOST

# Fix hardcoded value of S3 bucket in `provision/admin`
	aws s3 mb --region $(AWS_REGION) $(ADMIN_BUCKET_URL)
	aws s3 website $(ADMIN_BUCKET_URL) --index-document index.html --error-document index.html
	mkdir -p $@

# Fix push to refs/heads/master in deploy/api
	cd .. && git push $(DEPLOYMENT_ENV) `git subtree split --prefix ${SUBTREE} HEAD`:refs/heads/master $(FORCE)

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bjrbhre commented Mar 29, 2019

Security 🔒

Require ROLE_USER to access API doc

# security.yml
        - { path: ^/login, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY, requires_channel: https }
        - { path: ^/contexts/Error, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY, requires_channel: https }
        - { path: ^/, roles: ROLE_USER, requires_channel: https }

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