![Demo screenshot](/bjorndown/zuweiser/raw/main/doc/demo.png)
Schools, companies etc often organize events where people can take part in various activities. The number participants per activity is usually limited. Therefore organizers get people specify their priorities regarding the activities they want to participate in. Then participants must be assigned to their activities according to their priorities.
Zuweiser takes care of that last step.
Zuweiser consumes tab-spaced text as produced by Excel and Libre-Office when copying the contents of a worksheet
with Ctrl+A
Activities must contain the following columns
- ID (letters or numbers)
- Title
- Maximum number of participants
- Minimum number of participants
Participants must contain the following columns:
- ID (letters or numbers)
- N columns of priorities, referring to activities using their ID
Additional columns in the participant's data will be included in the result.
yarn dev