Search and start songs from the CLI.
Linux and OS X support.
Spotify must be running in the background in order to use this cli remote
Python 3 support. For Python 2 support use this release: v2.1.0
$ pip install pytify
Python 2
$ pip install pytify==2.1.0
Linux you need to install python-dbus
$ # Example using apt-get
$ apt-get install python-dbus
This package now must use credentials in order to search for songs.
Support for client credentials flow. Please follow these steps:
- Register app:!/applications
- Edit your
to export following values:
export SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID='your-spotify-client-id'
export SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET='your-spotify-client-secret'
- Commands
- Auto suggest (based on history)
- Tab through history
- Search history
- Search and play songs
- CLI commands
- VIM navigation bindings
$ git clone
$ cd Pytify
$ sudo python install
# To start the app type
$ pytify
# next song
$ pytify -n
# prev song
$ pytify -p
# play and pause song
$ pytify -pp
# Current playing song
$ pytify -c
current print current song
help list all commands
next play next song
pp play or pause song
stop stop
prev play previous song
history last five search results
pip version must be > 9
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
* requests
* prompt-toolkit
Contributions are appreciated.
- @joined - OS X
- @adam410 - OS X issue
- @Newky - Better structure
- @ymski - OS X
- @wohlfea - Made it compatible with python 3.5
- @ddiddi - Added search phrase history browsing. (auto complete)
- @kmatt - Minor UX changes
- @bharath123 - Updated Pytify to use prompt_toolkit v2
- .... and other.. please add your name and code update!
Logo by theodorosploumis. Thank you very much!
If this project has been helpful in any way, and you want to treat me a cup of coffee, please donate :)