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React components for ScrollMagic


⚠️ This library is not developed any further right now. Please consider to use GSAP ScrollTrigger instead. I have a helper component in my other library react-gsap:


react-scrollmagic lets you use the ScrollMagic library in React in a fully declarative way. It abstracts away the direct use of the ScrollMagic classes ScrollMagic.Controller and ScrollMagic.Scene.

From version 2 on the GSAP library in no more included. But react-scrollmagic plays nicely together with react-gsap.


npm install --save react-scrollmagic


import React from 'react';
import { Controller, Scene } from 'react-scrollmagic';

const App = () => (
      <Scene duration={600} pin>
        <div>Sticky Example</div>

Examples live demo:

Examples source:


These React components use internally. So for an in-depth documentation please visits following sites:

There are two components available:



name type optional default more info
container string or object yes window
vertical boolean yes true
globalSceneOptions object yes {} link
loglevel number yes 2
refreshInterval number yes 100


The Scene component only consumes a single child. If you want to animate multiple children then you have to wrap them in a HTML element.

Scene sets the ref for the child component automatically. This only works for HTML tags, Styled Components or React.forwardRef components. If you use stateless or stateful components then you need to set the triggerElement or pin prop or wrap them in a HTML tag. See Components.js for an example.

The Scene component also works with a function as child. The function takes an animation progress (0-1) as first parameter and the event object as second parameter. See ClassToggle.js for an example.

From version 2 on it also works with a react-gsap Tween or Timeline component as direct child. See SectionWipes2.js for an example.


name type optional default more info
duration number or string yes 0 Can be changed on-the-fly
offset number or string yes 0 Can be changed on-the-fly
triggerElement string, object or null yes child element
triggerHook number or string yes "onCenter" link (Can be changed on-the-fly)
reverse boolean yes true Can be changed on-the-fly
loglevel number yes 2
indicators boolean yes false only boolean in contrast to plugin options: link
classToggle string or string[2] yes undefined link
pin boolean or string yes undefined link
pinSettings PinSettings yes undefined See Types and link
enabled boolean yes true Can be changed on-the-fly
progressEvents boolean yes true Ability to silence progress events reducing redraws



name type optional default
pushFollowers boolean yes true
spacerClass string yes "scrollmagic-pin-spacer"

This project was bootstrapped with:


MIT © bitworking