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A customizable Plex documentation template built with Material for MkDocs. Automatically deploys to Cloudflare Pages and includes pre-built guides for common Plex topics like streaming quality, content requests, and troubleshooting.


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Plex Documentation Guide

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A standardized documentation template for your Plex server, built with Material for MkDocs and deployed via Cloudflare Pages. This template includes pre-built pages covering common Plex topics like streaming quality, content requests, transcoding, and more, all of which are protected via Plex OAuth so only your users can read them.

This documentation project contains the same content as mkdocs-plex-guide-template, but with a different deployment configuration. To see an example of the docs, take a look at the GitHub Pages example site.

✨ Features

  • πŸ“š Pre-built pages for common Plex topics
  • πŸ”„ Automatic deployment via Cloudflare Pages
  • 🎨 Material for MkDocs theme with custom styling
  • πŸ”’ Docs are protected via Plex OAuth (only users with access to your Plex server can view)


The project uses Cloudflare Pages' Git integration for automatic deployments. When you push to your configured branch (default: main), Cloudflare will:

  1. Detect the changes in your repository
  2. Pull the latest code
  3. Run the build command (git fetch --unshallow && mkdocs build)
  4. Deploy the built files to Cloudflare's global network

Each commit creates a unique deployment with its own URL, and successful builds on the production branch are automatically published to your primary domain.

For more information about the Git integration and deployment process, see the Cloudflare Pages Git Integration documentation.

πŸ”’ Security Considerations

Asset Access

For performance and resource optimization, certain static assets are intentionally excluded from authentication checks (defined in functions/_routes.json). This means files in the following paths are publicly accessible:

  • /assets/css/*
  • /assets/js/*
  • /assets/images/*
  • /assets/video/*
  • Root-level CSS/JS files and favicons

This design choice:

  • Reduces authentication processing overhead
  • Minimizes API requests
  • Helps stay within Cloudflare Pages' free tier limits (100,000 requests/day)


While these assets are accessible without authentication, they are not easily discoverable unless someone knows the exact file paths. However, if your documentation includes sensitive images or media files, consider storing them in a different location or enabling authentication for specific asset paths.

Quick Links

πŸš€ Getting Started

1. Create GitHub Repository

  1. Create a new repository from this template
  2. Clone your new repository locally
  3. Follow the steps below, then push your documentation to the repository

2. βš™οΈ Configure Cloudflare Pages

  1. Go to Cloudflare Dashboard β†’ Compute (Workers) β†’ Workers & Pages

  2. Click "Create" β†’ "Pages" β†’ "Connect to Git"

  3. Select your GitHub repository

  4. Configure build settings:

    • Framework present: None
    • Build command: git fetch --unshallow && mkdocs build
    • Build output directory: site
    • Root directory: (leave empty)
    • Build comments: Enabled
  5. Add environment variables:



You can add your Secrets as Variables on the same page when configuring your build settings, but once your pages application is deployed be sure to go into "Settings" β†’ "Variables and Secrets" and change your PLEX_SERVER_ID, PLEX_CLIENT_ID, MKDOCS_GIT_COMMITTERS_APIKEY variables to Secret, otherwise they will be printed as plaintext in any logs.

Type Name Value Description
Text COOKIE_NAME plex_session Name for the authentication cookie
Text DEBUG false Enable debug logging
Secret PLEX_SERVER_ID Machine ID Your Plex server's machine identifier (see below)
Secret PLEX_CLIENT_ID UUID Your generated application ID (see below)
Secret MKDOCS_GIT_COMMITTERS_APIKEY GitHub Token Optional: For showing git contributors (see below)


The first deployment will fail, as mkdocs.yml contains placeholder values we need to update

The failure occurs because we need to know the Cloudflare Pages domain ( before we can properly configure mkdocs.yml. The recommended setup order is:

  1. Connect your repository to Cloudflare Pages and attempt the first deployment
  2. Note your assigned * domain
  3. Update mkdocs.yml with the correct domain values
  4. Push your changes to trigger a new deployment

If you're experienced with Cloudflare Pages and already know your * domain (or are intend to use a custom domain), you can update mkdocs.yml before connecting your repository.

3. πŸ“„ MkDocs Configuration

The mkdocs.yml file controls your documentation settings. You'll need to update several values for your deployment:

  1. Basic Settings:
site_name: your-site-name  # e.g.,
  1. Theme Configuration:
  logo: assets/images/plex-logo.webp  # Replace with your logo
  1. Git Committers Plugin (if using):
  - git-committers:
      repository: YourUsername/your-repo-name
      branch: main  # Or your default branch
        - "web-flow"  # GitHub web UI edits
        - "actions-user"  # GitHub Actions
        - "github-actions[bot]"  # GitHub Actions bot
      token: !ENV GITHUB_TOKEN
  1. Social Links:
    - icon: fontawesome/brands/github
      name: Your Name @ Github
    - icon: fontawesome/brands/discord
      link: https://your-discord-link
      name: Discord Channel
    - icon: fontawesome/solid/globe
      name: Personal Website
  1. Copyright Notice:
copyright: Copyright © 2025 Your Name


The navigation structure (nav:) can also be customized to match your documentation needs. You can add, remove, or reorganize pages as needed. Check the MKDocs links in the Resources section at the bottom for more information

  1. Trigger initial build and test:
    • Push the updated mkdocs.yml to your repository to trigger a build
    • Once deployed, visit your Pages URL (shown at the top of your project's dashboard as *
    • Confirm you're redirected to Plex login
    • After logging in, verify you can access the documentation

4. βž• Additional Steps

Finding Your Plex Server ID

You can find your Server ID by visiting:

  • https://your-plex-server:32400/identity
  • Look for the machineIdentifier field

Generating a Plex Client ID

  1. Generate a UUID v4:
    • You can use an online UUID generator
    • Or use this command:
      python3 -c 'import uuid; print(uuid.uuid4())'
  2. Add the generated UUID as a Secret environment variable named PLEX_CLIENT_ID in your Pages settings

GitHub Fine-Grained Access Token (Optional)


The git committers plugin is optional. If you don't need to show document contributors at the bottom of each documentation page, you can skip this step entirely.

  1. Navigate to your Fine-grained Personal access tokens (GitHub β†’ Settings β†’ Developer settings β†’ Personal access tokens β†’ Fine-grained tokens)
  2. Click "Generate new token"
  3. Configure the token:
    • Token name: "Plex Guide (Git Committers API Key)"
    • Repository access: Select "Only select repositories"
    • Select your documentation repository
    • Permissions:
      • Repository permissions:
        • Contents: Read-only
        • Metadata: Read-only
  4. Add the token as MKDOCS_GIT_COMMITTERS_APIKEY in your Pages environment variables

🎨 Customization

Content Customization

Key files to modify:

  • docs/*.md - Documentation pages
  • docs/assets/css/extra.css - Custom admonitions
  • docs/assets/ - Images, videos, Style Sheets, and JavaScript
  • functions/ - Cloudflare Pages functions

πŸ”— Custom Domain (Optional)

  1. Go to your Pages project β†’ Settings β†’ Custom domains
  2. Click "Set up a custom domain"
  3. Follow the prompts to add and verify your domain
  4. Once verified, your Plex auth and documentation will automatically use the new domain

Preview Deployments

Cloudflare Pages creates unique URLs for each deployment, including preview deployments from non-main branches. By default, these use the format <hash>

For convenience during development, it's recommended to set up a custom domain for your preview branch:

  1. Go to your Pages project β†’ Settings β†’ Custom domains
  2. Click "Add custom domain"
  3. Enter your preview domain (e.g.,
  4. Under "Branch", select your development branch (e.g., development)
  5. Follow the prompts to verify the domain

This avoids having to re-authenticate with Plex each time you deploy to a preview branch, as the authentication is tied to the domain. Without a custom preview domain, you would need to log in again for each new <hash> URL.


Branch Domain Structure

You can use different subdomains for different branches:

  • Production (main):
  • Development:
  • Feature branches:

Authentication Page Styling

The login page can be customized by modifying two main files:

  1. Background Image: docs/assets/images/auth/bg.webp

    • Replace this file with your own background image
    • Recommended size: 1080x1200px (will automatically fit different devices)
    • Format: WebP preferred for optimal loading
  2. Styling: docs/assets/css/auth.css

    • Contains all styling for the authentication pages
    • Customize colors, fonts, animations, and layout

Removing the Background Image

If you prefer a solid color background, modify the CSS in docs/assets/css/auth.css:

  1. Add the base background color to the html element:
html {
  background: #282a2d;

body {
  font-family: -apple-system, system-ui, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  min-height: 100vh;
  margin: 0;
  background: #282a2d;  /* Solid color instead of image */
  color: white;
  -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;

πŸ”§ Troubleshooting

Viewing Logs

To view logs and debug authentication issues:

  1. Go to Cloudflare Dashboard β†’ Compute (Workers) β†’ Workers & Pages β†’ Your Pages project
  2. From the "Deployments" tab, click on your latest deployment at the top of the page
  3. Click "View details"
  4. Navigate to the "Functions" tab
  5. Click "Begin log stream" to view real-time logs

For more detailed logging, set the DEBUG environment variable to true in your Pages settings. This will output additional information about:

  • Authentication attempts
  • Server access checks
  • Resource validation
  • Request processing


Environment variables require a new deployment to take effect. After enabling DEBUG, go to Deployments β†’ Latest deployment β†’ Click ... next to "View Details" β†’ "Retry deployment". Remember to redeploy again after setting DEBUG back to false to disable logging in production.

Each deployment counts toward your free plan limit of 500 builds per month

Take a look at the Cloudflare Pages docs on Debugging Pages for more.

CSS/JS Changes Not Appearing

If changes to CSS or JavaScript files are not showing up after deployment:

  1. Go to Cloudflare Dashboard β†’ Websites β†’ Your domain β†’ Caching
  2. Click "Configuration"
  3. Select "Custom Purge" and enter the paths to your CSS/JS files:
    • (Replace with your actual domain)

This will force Cloudflare to fetch the latest versions of these files.


Browser Cache

Sometimes your browser might cache CSS/JS files. If you're still not seeing changes after purging Cloudflare's cache, try a hard refresh (Ctrl+F5) in your browser.

πŸ’» Cloudflare Pages Free Tier Usage Limits

Free Plan Limits

  • Functions Requests: 100,000 per day (resets at midnight UTC)
    • This includes any requests that go through authentication
    • Static assets (CSS, images, etc.) are unlimited and free
  • Builds: 500 per month
    • Each push to your repository counts as a build
    • Builds timeout after 20 minutes
  • Custom Domains: 100 per project
  • Files: Maximum 20,000 files per site
  • File Size: 25 MiB per file


Upgrading to Pro

If you need higher limits, you can upgrade to Pro by:

  1. Having any domain on Cloudflare with a Pro plan or higher
  2. That domain doesn't need to use Pages - it just needs to be on a Pro plan

See the community discussion for more details.

For more information, see:

πŸ“š Resources

Documentation / Plugins

Video Tutorials

Plex OAuth Docs (For Developers)


A customizable Plex documentation template built with Material for MkDocs. Automatically deploys to Cloudflare Pages and includes pre-built guides for common Plex topics like streaming quality, content requests, and troubleshooting.







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  • Markdown 63.7%
  • JavaScript 29.2%
  • CSS 6.0%
  • HTML 1.1%