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⚠️ This repository is not meant to be used for local development but serves as source for the code samples shown at

Bitmovin Demos



Welcome to Bitmovin demos. Our demo page is hosted at

Testing a demo

If you wish to test a demo, you can either browse one of our demos hosted on our demo page or navigate to a demo inside one of our products, for example player/4k and follow these steps:

  1. Copy the index.html
  2. Replace the${code:setup.js} (depending on the demo name may vary) with the contents, wrapping it with a <script> tag
  3. Open your custom webpage

Creating a demo

In order to create a new demo, you need to create a new folder (with new demo name) in either the demos/analytics, demos/encoding or demos/player folder, depending on the category of the demo, with the following contents:

  • info.yaml (required) - Demo configuration
  • index.html (optional) - Entry point of the demo
  • icon.svg (optional) - The demo icon
  • css/ (optional) - Add custom .css files withing this folder
  • js/ (optional) - Add custom .js files within this folder

Demo file structure

This section will explain what information in your YAML file will be processed and how to create your own Take an example xml like this one player/drm/info.xml

Minimal YAML File Example

title: Hello World
  executable: false
  indexfile: index.html

YAML keys:

title (string, required)

The title is used to display the demo in the overview and is rendered in the detail view as a header

description (string, required)

An optional short description which will be displayed in the overview. In the detail view this description will only be rendered if there is no <div class="description"> in the demo's index.html file

executable (list, optional)

A mandatory section defining the contents of the demo detail page

  • executable: true or false
    Specifies if the files should be rendered in native html and contain code that will be replaced during compilation
  • indexfile: e.g. index.html
    Sets the root file which is rendered as the content of the demo

code (list, optional)

An optional section giving information about the code snippets which will be displayed on the demo detail page.

  • show_code: true or false
    Should code snippets be included
  • language: e.g., js, java, c
    The default language of the code snippets which will be used for the markup, supported languages can be found here:
  • files
    a list of files which should be included as code snippets (not actually executed, but displayed in raw text. JavaScript code to be executed must go into js/). These snippets will be displayed automatically at the end of the demo page, unless not specified elsewhere (see Template Patterns).

tags (list, optional)

An optional list of tags which are used to filter the overview. Categories will be automatically added as tag.

additionalCategories (list, optional)

If your demo should show up in more than one category in the overview you can add the additional categories here. The original category (the folder the demo lies in) is always included automatically. Possible values are analytics, encoding, and player

priority (number, optional)

The optional configuration that affects sorting. Defaults to 0.

hide_github_link (boolean, optional)

Remove the link to the GitHub repository by setting this to true. Defaults to false.

buttons (list, optional)

Add a list of buttons, where each entry should have the following data:

  • name
    A unique identifier
  • text
    Display text
  • url
    Go there on button click
  • name
    An icon name

Demo HTML Template placeholders

The following placeholders will be replaced in the demo's index.html page:


To specify the location of code snippets (defined in code.files of info.yaml) to be displayed, use the following:


While the :css part may be omitted, it can be used to overwrite the default, set in code.language of info.yaml.

<h1 class="demo-title">

If the demo template contains this element for the title, it will overwrite title from info.yaml

<div class="description">

Also description of info.yaml may be overwritten with a custom element.