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Julian Waller edited this page Oct 14, 2023 · 9 revisions

Feedbacks are the way of dynamically changing the style of buttons in companion.

This section explains how to provide the possible feedbacks and their options to the user.

Your module can define the list of feedbacks it supports by making a call to this.setFeedbackDefinitions({ ...some feedbacks here... }). You will need to do this as part of your init() method, but can also call it at any other time if you wish to update the list of feedbacks exposed.

Note: Please try not to do it too often, as updating the list has a cost. If you are calling it multiple times in a short span of time, consider if it would be possible to batch the calls so it is only done once.

The boilerplate has a file feedbacks.js which is where your feedbacks should be defined. It is not required to use this structure, but it keeps it more readable than having it all in one file.

All the feedbacks are passed in as one javascript object, like

  'feedbacks1' : { properties of feedback 1 },
  'feedbacks2' : { properties of feedback 2 },
  'feedbacks3' : { properties of feedback 3 }

The minimum you need to define for a boolean feedback is as follows:

  type: 'boolean',
  name: 'My first feedback',
  defaultStyle: {
    // The default style change for a boolean feedback
    // The user will be able to customise these values as well as the fields that will be changed
    bgcolor: combineRgb(255, 0, 0),
    color: combineRgb(0, 0, 0),
  // options is how the user can choose the condition the feedback activates for
  options: [{
    type: 'number',
    label: 'Source'
    id: 'source',
    default: 1
  callback: (feedback) => {
    // This callback will be called whenever companion wants to check if this feedback is 'active' and should affect the button style
    if (self.some_device_state.source == feedback.options.source) {
      return true
    } else {
      return false

The function on callback is what gets executed when the feedback is executed. It used to be possible to define this elsewhere, but that is no longer the case. You can see a description of the feedback object passed into the callback in the documentation. For boolean feedbacks, or for advanced feedbacks. Make sure to not use any of the deprecated properties, they will be removed without warning!

You should tell Companion to call the callback for your feedback whenever the result is expected to change by calling this.checkFeedbacks('your-feedback-id', 'another-feedback'). You can do this even more granularly if making use of the subscribe & unsubscribe flow

As of @companion-module/base#v1.1.0, feedback callbacks can now be async or return a promise.

There are more properties available, which are described in full in the documentation. For boolean feedbacks, or for advanced feedbacks

The options property of the feedback definition is an array of input types, as defined here

As of @companion-module/base#v1.1.0, there is now a second parameter to each of callback, subscribe, unsubscribe and learn. This contains some utility methods that you may need. The full definition of this type is here. See the section below on Using variables for more details.

Feedback types

There are two types of feedbacks, boolean and advanced. The example above uses a boolean feedback.

Writing boolean feedbacks should be prefered whenever possible. They give the user more control over how their buttons are styled, and allows for using the boolean values elsewhere, such as in triggers.

Advanced feedbacks can still be useful, to return dynamic values derived from the device state. For example, displaying a png.

Prior to Companion 2.2, it was only possible to write the advanced type of feedbacks, so many modules are still using those.

It is possible to Migrating legacy to boolean feedbacks.

Inverting boolean feedbacks

Since Companion 3.1, Companion provides builtin support for 'inverting' feedbacks. This is done for boolean feedbacks without any changes needed in the modules. Since @companion-module/base#v1.5.0 it is possible to disable this behaviour for each feedback, and to access these inversion values in upgrade scripts.
You can disable this behaviour by setting showInvert: false on a feedback. When changing this, you will need to update the definition and presets yourself, you must make sure to add an upgrade script too to avoid breaking existing configs.
A helper function (CreateUseBuiltinInvertForFeedbacksUpgradeScript) is provided to generate an upgrade script for your module to convert an existing invert checkbox to the builtin system. It expects a parameter describe the feedbacks to process, and the name of the invert checkbox being replaced:

  myfeedback: 'invert',
  another: 'inverted',

Using variables

As of @companion-module/base#v1.1.0, it is now possible to use parseVariablesInString in feedbacks.

This is achieved with the parseVariablesInString on the context parameter of the feedback callback. This method is provided so that Companion can track what variables your feedback used during the execution of the callback, which lets it be rechecked when those variables change. If you use parseVariablesInString off the InstanceBase class instead, your feedback will not be rechecked when variables change.

  type: 'boolean',
  name: 'My first feedback',
  defaultStyle: {
    bgcolor: combineRgb(255, 0, 0),
    color: combineRgb(0, 0, 0),
  options: [{
    type: 'text',
    label: 'text'
    id: 'text',
    default: '',
    useVariables: true
  callback: async (feedback, context) => {
    // Note: make sure to use `parseVariablesInString` from `context`. That lets Companion know what feedback the call was for
    const text = await context.parseVariablesInString(feedback.options.text)
    return text === 'OK'

Further Reading

Actions also support the following advanced features:

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