About code quality, refactoring, (unit) testing, linting, ...
appearance, icons, themes
decision or consensus needed
only for certain distributions, desktop environments or display servers
using the EncFS file system
depends on others/upstream
needs user response, may be closed after timeout without a response
Used by 24pullrequests.com to suggest issues
a problem that is not reproducible but random (non-deterministic)
Used by 24pullrequests.com to suggest issues
uses a keyring like kdewallet, SecretService, GnomeKeyring
desktop, email, GUI/tray status messages
NTFS filesystem (eg. via NTFS-3g which supports hardlinks)
Merge after creative-break (min. 1 week)
Maintenance team requested modifications and waiting for their implementation
PR is unlikely to be merged due to project goals, technical limitations, or other constraints.
PR won't be merged until review and approval from a member of the maintenance team.
only for certain versions of Python
Qt bugs, code or features