DarpanX is a Python-3 package that provides functionality to compute reflectivity and other specular optical functions of multilayer/single-layer mirror for different energy and angles as well as to fit the XRR measurements of the mirrors. An API is provided for this and it is also implemented as a local model in PyXspec for fitting the experimental XRR measurements.
For more information regarding the DarpanX see:
Following python modules are required for the installation of darpanx :
For the experimental data fitting, PyXSPEC (python version of XSPEC) is required.
The DarpanX package can be downloaded from the Github link- https://github.com/biswajitmb/DarpanX.git
After downloading it, go to the DarpanX directory:
cd DarpanX
To install DarpanX package system-wide:
sudo python3.x setup.py install
Open a python3.x shell like ipython
import darpanx as drp
import numpy as np
To create a multilayer object
Define the angle and energy values for which the optical functions are to be computed:
Energy=[8.0] # Incident beam energy in KeV
Theta=np.arange(start=0,stop=5,step=0.01) #Define Grazing angles in degree.
Compute reflectivity
m.get_optical_func(Theta=Theta,Energy=Energy,AllOpticalFun ="yes")
Plot outputs:
m.plot(ylog="no", Comp=["Ra","Ta","Aa"], AllComp="oplot", Scale="yes")
All available functionality with examples are described in the DarpanX_UserManual.pdf
Use of DarpanX should be acknowledged by referencing the paper: Mondal, B. et al. 2021, Astronomy and Computing.