Log Janitor is a plugin for managing RebornBuddy logs. It automatically deletes log files older than a certain age and adds a "View Full Logs" button for quick log folder access.
- RebornBuddy with active license (paid)
- repoBuddy for automatic installation and updates (free)
If your repoBuddy config is missing Log Janitor, you can add it via repoBuddy's settings menu on the Repositories tab:
- Name:
- Type:
- URL:
To quickly open the RebornBuddy/Logs/
folder, click the "View Full Logs" button on the right side of the main window. The current log file will be pre-selected for easy uploading. This button is available even when the plugin is disabled.
To automatically delete older logs, enable "Log Janitor" in the Plugins tab. Max file age can be controlled in the plugin settings menu. The default max age is 30 days, and no files are deleted until Log Janitor is enabled.