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Kairos Voting System


Kairos is a Peer-2-Peer capable framework for end-to-end verifiable voting systems. The website is a SPA with Vue taking care of the front-end.

Master's Thesis in PDF:

Kairos implements a modular structure which allows to handle multiple question types, cryptosystems and anonymization methods.


Kairos started as a fork of Helios by Ben Adida (

Configure Kubernetes

# install kind cluster
kind create cluster --config cluster-config.yaml
# kind delete clusters my-cluster

helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo update
helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx
# wait some time!


docker build -t biscofil/kairos_php:webserver .
docker tag biscofil/kairos_php:webserver biscofil/kairos_php:webserver-1.0.0
kind load docker-image biscofil/kairos_php:webserver-1.0.0

docker tag biscofil/kairos_php:webserver
# echo registryPass | docker login -u admin --password-stdin
kind load docker-image



openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 2 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ingress-tls.key -out ingress-tls.crt -subj "/"
kubectl delete secret my-tls-secret 
kubectl create secret tls my-tls-secret --key ingress-tls.key --cert ingress-tls.crt
rm ingress-tls.key ingress-tls.crt

# Config

helm package helm

# Deploy one node
kubectl create ns node1
# generate random values into helm_secret.ini
# TODO: manually insert missing values in helm_secret.ini
kubectl create secret generic kairos-secrets --from-env-file=helm_secret.ini --namespace node1
helm install kairos Kairos-0.1.0.tgz --namespace node1 -f values.yaml
helm upgrade kairos Kairos-0.1.0.tgz --namespace node1 -f values.yaml
# cleanup:
# helm uninstall kairos --namespace node1


  • Helm
    • use the same docker image for webserver and scheduler (done)
    • share storage between webserver, scheduler and migration_job
      • remove folder creation in docker image
  • adapt php artisan generate:jwt-keypair to kubernertes

Docker changes (deprecated)

# comment out the user part in DockerFile (gitlab)
docker build -t biscofil/kairos_php:no_user .
# uncomment the user part in DockerFile (local)
docker build -t biscofil/kairos_php:user .
docker push -a biscofil/kairos_php