Côrtes, a moderm document processing platform
The main function of the Cortes platform is the extract data from the documents and classify with the given rules.
The Cortes platform is divides in modules as below
the user interface for the cortes software, its is to composition of the cortes-admin and the cortes-verify modules
admin is the module where the user can configure the software to process the documents
verify is the quality control module of the software. Here its possible to check the processing result and execute any ajustments needed
the comunication point between the user interface ui and the runtime modules of the cortes modules
input is the module that will be the input of documents into the software
processing will read the configurations, read the inputs and process the documents acording with the configurations
the processing steps can be data extraction, classification, modification of the input documents
export is the final processing point of the documents in the system. Here the documents and the metadate generated at the processing and/or verify time are exported from the software
the layer to acess the database configuration and runtime data of cortes software