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Measuring group separability in geometrical space for evaluation of pattern recognition and dimension reduction algorithms


Aldo Acevedo, Claudio Durán, Ming-Ju Kuo, Sara Ciucci, Michael Schroeder, and Carlo Vittorio Cannistraci


Here, we propose a novel rationale named Projection Separability (PS), specifically designed to assess group separability of data samples in a geometrical space of dimensionality reduction analyses based on embedding algorithms. Our PS rationale states that any statistical separability measure - for instance, the ones commonly used to measure the performance of a binary classification model - can be used for evaluating the group separability of dimension reduction results based on the geometrical projection of the samples (points) of two different groups on the line that connects their centroids, and then repeating this procedure for all pairs of groups for which a separability evaluation is desired.

Validity indices

Based on this new rationale, we implemented a new class of validity indices based on different statistical separability measures, which we called Projection Separability Indices (PSIs); the first index, PSI-P, evaluates the separability of the points on the projection line using the Mann-Whitney U-test p-value (MW p-value), which is a ranking-based statistical test; the second index, PSI-ROC, adopts as separability measure on the projection line the Area Under the ROC-Curve (AUC-ROC), which provides a measure of a trade-off between true positive rate and false-positive rate; the third index, PSI-PR, which uses instead the Area Under the Precision-Recall Curve (AUC-PR), which gives a measure of a trade-off between precision and sensitivity (a.k.a. recall); and the four index, PSI-MCC, which uses the Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC), which is a correlation coefficient between the observed and predicted binary classifications. Moreover, we have included as well - with the aim of comparison - several commonly used Cluster Validity Indices (CVIs) such as Dunn Index (DI), that relies on the distances among clusters and their diameters; Davies-Bouldin Index (DB), based on the idea that for a good partition inter-cluster separation as well as intra-cluster homogeneity and compactness should be high; Calinski-Harabasz Index (CH), based on the average between-cluster means and within-cluster sum of squares; Silhouette Index (SIL), that validates the clustering performance based on the pairwise difference of between-cluster and within-cluster distances; Generalized Dunn Index (GDI), a variation of the Dunn index; Geometrical Separability Index (GSI) - also known as Thornton’s separability index - which calculates the average number of instances that share the same class label as their nearest neighbors; and Cluster Validity index based on Density-involved Distance (CVDD), a new index based on the density estimation and compactness weights for determining the best grouping of the samples.


To prove and account for the uncertainty of the separability estimation given by the indices, we also propose a second methodological innovation named trustworthiness. In brief, this methodology proposes a resampling to build a null model that allows computing an empirical p-value to assess the significance (trustworthiness) of the separability measure provided by a selected index. This means that trustworthiness assesses the extent to which the value produced by a certain index is reliable under uncertainty.

Before starting

MATLAB version

This source code has been developed and tested with MATLAB 2017a and newer versions. Keep in mind that lower versions than 2017a have not been tested; thus, compatibility is not warranted.

Python package

If you are a Python user, check out our Python package psis. The development of this Python wrapper is hosted in this repository biomedical-cybernetics/pypsis; thus, please report any issues or questions regarding this wrapper there.


You can find all initially studied datasets in the datasets folder.


You can find meaningfull examples in the examples folder. If you want to execute them, locate yourself in the project's root and execute addpath('examples/') in the MATLAB's Command Window to add the example files into the search path for the current MATLAB session.


Running the code

You can easily execute the code by running its main function.

ValidityIndices = ProcessValidityIndices(DataMatrix, SampleLabels, PositiveClasses)

The definition of the inputs is as follows:

Input Type Description
DataMatrix Matrix of double Matrix of values (a)
SampleLabels Cell array List of sample labels
PositiveClasses Cell array List of positive sample labels (b)

(a) For instance, a matrix of NxM results from a dimension reduction method such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) where the samples are placed as rows and the features as columns.

(b) Depending on the study, positive classes are usually ranked as the labels for which a particular prediction is desired. For example, sick patients (positive class) versus controls (negative class); or burnout (positive class), depression (positive class), versus control (negative class). If you are not sure which are your positive classes, then take the groups with the lower number of samples as positive.

At first, the user has to select which indexes should be included as part of the output:

Available indices:
[1] Projection Separability Indices (PSIs)
[2] Dunn Index (DI)
[3] Davies-Bouldin Index (DB)
[4] Generalized Dunn Index (GDI)
[5] Calinski and Harabasz Index (CH)
[6] Silhouette Index (SIL)
[7] Geometric Separability Index (GSI)
[8] Cluster Validity Density-involved Distance (CVDD)
# Select your indices (range between 1:8)

Here, the user can select either a single index (e.g., 1) or a group of them (e.g., 4:6). In case if option [1] Projection Separability Indices (PSIs) is included in the selection, then the following prompt will be displayed:

PSIs projection type:
[1] Centroid based (default)
[2] Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) based

Here, the user can specify the type of projection for computing the PSIs. This will define how the points should be projected before the evaluation of the separability. In case if the centroid approach is selected, then the following prompt will be displayed:

PSIs centroid formula:
[1] Median (default)
[2] Mean
[3] Mode

Here, the user can specify the criteria for computing (finding) the centroids of the groups. Note that median is selected by default because of its robustness to outliers.

After these previous selections, a new prompt will be displayed asking the user if trustworthiness should be applied:

Would you like to apply a trustworthiness (null model)?:
[y] Yes
[n] No

Depending on the previous selection, the algorithm will take two different paths.

Running an analysis without trustworthiness

Suppose the application of trustworthiness is not desired. Then, the program will process all selected validity indexes. Once it is finished, it will return a struct of values in which a single index can be accessed as OutputVariable.IndexShortName.

For instance, if you executed the main function as:

ValidityIndicesResults = ProcessValidityIndices(DataMatrix, SampleLabels, PositiveClasses)

Available indices:
[1] Projection Separability Indices (PSIs)
[2] Dunn Index (DI)
[3] Davies-Bouldin Index (DB)
[4] Generalized Dunn Index (GDI)
[5] Calinski and Harabasz Index (CH)
[6] Silhouette Index (SIL)
[7] Geometric Separability Index (GSI)
[8] Cluster Validity Density-involved Distance (CVDD)
# Select your indices (range between 1:8)
-> 1:8

PSIs projection type:
[1] Centroid based (default)
[2] Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) based
-> 1

PSIs centroid formula:
[1] Median (default)
[2] Mean
[3] Mode
-> 1

Would you like to apply trustworthiness (null model)?:
[y] Yes
[n] No
-> n

Processing validity indices...


Then the variable ValidityIndicesResults will contain all indices results. Thus, you can easily access them as ValidityIndicesResults.PSIP, ValidityIndicesResults.DN, ValidityIndicesResults.GSI, and so on.

Running an analysis with trustworthiness

On the other hand, if the application of trustworthiness is preferred, then a new command prompt will be displayed to specify the desired number of iterations:

How many iterations should be applied?:
# Enter a number higher than 0

After this step, all selected validity indexes will be processed according to each trustworthiness iteration (a).

(a) Note that this execution is implemented by using MATLAB's parfor, which executes for-loop iterations in parallel on workers in a parallel pool.

Once it is finished, it will return a struct of values in which you can access the results of the applied trustworthiness for a single index as ÒutputVariable.IndexShortName. This contains the following sub-fields:

Trustworthiness result Description
IndexValue Index value obtained before applying the null model
IndexPermutations List of generated permutations
MaxValue Maximum permutations value
MinValue Minimum permutations value
MeanValue Mean of the permuation values
StandardDeviation Standard deviation of the permutation values
PValue p-value of the generated null model

These sub-fields can be accessed as ÒutputVariable.IndexShortName.IndexPermutations, ÒutputVariable.IndexShortName.PValue, and so on.

For instance, if you executed the main function as:

TrustworthinessResults = ProcessValidityIndices(DataMatrix, SampleLabels, PositiveClasses)

Available indices:
[1] Projection Separability Indices (PSIs)
[2] Dunn Index (DI)
[3] Davies-Bouldin Index (DB)
[4] Generalized Dunn Index (GDI)
[5] Calinski and Harabasz Index (CH)
[6] Silhouette Index (SIL)
[7] Geometric Separability Index (GSI)
[8] Cluster Validity Density-involved Distance (CVDD)
# Select your indices (range between 1:8)
-> 1:8

PSIs projection type:
[1] Centroid based (default)
[2] Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) based
-> 1

PSIs centroid formula:
[1] Median (default)
[2] Mean
[3] Mode
-> 1

Would you like to apply trustworthiness (null model)?:
[y] Yes
[n] No
-> y

How many iterations should be applied?:
# Enter a number higher than 0
-> 1000

Processing trustworthiness...


Then the variable TrustworthinessResults will contain all null model results. Hence, you can easily access them as TrustworthinessResults.PSIP.PValue, TrustworthinessResults.DN.StandardDeviation, and so on.

Disabling command prompts

You can also pre-define the options inputted via command prompt by using the following optional arguments.

Optional argument Type Description
Indices double (or range) Number or range of desired indices (a)
Trustworthiness double Number of iterations for generating a null model (b)
Seed double Random seed
ProjectionType char Projection approach to be used when computing the PSIs (c)
CenterFormula char Approach for finding the groups' centroids when computing the PSIs (d)

(a) The numbering of the indices is as follows:

[1] Projection Separability Indices (PSIs)
[2] Dunn Index (DI)
[3] Davies-Bouldin Index (DB)
[4] Generalized Dunn Index (GDI)
[5] Calinski and Harabasz Index (CH)
[6] Silhouette Index (SIL)
[7] Geometric Separability Index (GSI)
[8] Cluster Validity Density-involved Distance (CVDD)

Also, you can input a range. For instance:

results = ProcessValidityIndices(DataMatrix, SampleLabels, PositiveClasses, 'Indices', 1:3);

Here, 1:3 means that the algorithm will compute the PSIs, DI, and DB.

(b) Regarding the trustworthiness, a value 0 will avoid the application of a null model.

(c) This option only takes effect if 'Indices', 1 or Indices, 1:N is inputted. In other cases, its value will be ignored.

(d) This option only takes effect if 'Indices', 1 or Indices, 1:N, and 'ProjectionType', 'centroid' are inputted. In other cases, its value will be ignored.

Let's check some examples:

results = ProcessValidityIndices(DataMatrix, SampleLabels, PositiveClasses, 'Indices', 2:8, 'Trustworthiness', 0);

The code above will calculate all indices from 2 to 8 (included) without the application of trustworthiness (null model).

results = ProcessValidityIndices(DataMatrix, SampleLabels, PositiveClasses, 'Indices', 1:8, 'ProjectionType', 'centroid', 'CenterFormula', 'median', 'Trustworthiness', 1000, 'seed', 100);

The code above calculate all indices from 1 to 8 (included) and apply the trustworthiness by generating a null model of 100 iterations. Also, note that the PSIs will be computed using a centroid-based projection and the centers of the groups will be computed using median.

results = ProcessValidityIndices(DataMatrix, SampleLabels, PositiveClasses, 'Indices', 1, 'ProjectionType', 'lda', 'Trustworthiness', 0);

The code above will compute the PSIs using a Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) based projection and no trustworthiness will be applied.

results = ProcessValidityIndices(DataMatrix, SampleLabels, PositiveClasses, 'Trustworthiness', 1000);

The code above pre-select a trustworthiness by generating a null model of 1000 iterations and prompt the selection of the indices.

Find more examples at examples with different settings and use cases.


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