Master of Pores is a pipeline written in Nextflow DSL2 for the analysis of Nanopore data.
It can handle reads from direct RNAseq, cDNAseq, DNAseq etc.
The name is inspired by the Metallica's Master Of Puppets
Please install nextflow and singularity or docker before.
Then download the repo:
git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules
You can use to download the version 3.4.5 of guppy or you can replace it with the version you prefer. Please consider that the support of VBZ compression of fast5 started with version 3.4.X.
cd MoP3; sh
You can replace -with-singularity
with -with-docker
if you want to use the docker engine.
cd mop_preprocess
nextflow run -with-singularity -bg -profile local -params-file params.yaml > log
To upgrade the tool you can type:
git pull --recurse-submodules
The documentation is available at
Please open an issue if you encounter any issues/troubles. However, please go over the previous issues (including closed issues) before opening a new issue, as your same exact question might have been already answered previously. Thank you!
If you use this tool, please cite our papers: