Detect whether a Chrome extension is present on the users system.
bower install --save chrome-extension-detector
Some extensions have publically accessible assets (web_accessible_resources). If that file can be loaded, the extension is present on the system. The downside is that it can only be done using a Promise.done, but hey, you are an awesome developer. You can make it work:)
<script src="dist/chrome-extension-detector.js"></script>
ChromeExtensionDetector.jabberGuest().then(function(data) {console.log("jabberGuest:", data)});
ChromeExtensionDetector.chromeCast().then(function(data) {console.log("chromeCast:", data)});
ChromeExtensionDetector.adBlock().then(function(data) {console.log("adBlock:", data)});
- Chromecast
- JabberGuest
- AdBlock
If you want to have a extension added, please file an issue with the extension id. I'll see what I can do.