A programme that converts arabic numbers from 1 to 3999 into roman numerals. This Kata was given to us as a day challenge on week 2 of Makers Academy.
I pair-programmed with Lovis Schultze. Before rushing into the code, we sat down and thought together about how we were going to solve it.
We TDDed it using Rspec and Ruby.
This one of my favorite projects at Makers Academy for two reasons:
- Lovis and I really broke down the problem together and discussed each step, it was the first time I realised how enjoyable pair-programming can be.
- We were so proud not only to have built a working solution, but also to have solved the problem faster than the coach expected us to. However the next day the coach showed us a much more beautiful and concise way of coding a solution, and we were very humbled. I included the beginning of it in lib.