Publish User's Scoresaber information to MQTT data can be used in HomeAssistant, OpenHAB or any other tool that can read MQTT topics
- Install Python + paho-mqtt libary:
apt install python3-paho-mqtt
orpip install paho-mqtt
- Put the python file
- Put the config file
- Edit the config as needed
I usually run the script manually first and check with an MQTT Tool if the metrics are updated correctly.
This tool does the job for me:
After that you need to call the script regulary to keep the metrics up to date.
I recommend using an unpriviledged user and crontab entry for that:
# Get Scoresaber ranking every 5 minutes
*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/
currently the following values are being exposed:
id, name, profilePicture, country, pp, rank, countryRank, histories, permissions, banned, inactive
- name: "Scoresaber Rank Global"
state_topic: "games/beatsaber/rank"
- name: "Scoresaber Rank Country"
state_topic: "games/beatsaber/countryRank"
- name: "Scoresaber PP"
state_topic: "games/beatsaber/pp"
unit_of_measurement: "pp"