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SQL Syntax

Contributor: Bill Yao

Chapter 1: SQL的基本应用

Lecture 1.1 认识SQL,为什么要学SQL

What is SQL? Structurre Querry Language (SQL) is a speicla purpose programming language.

What is database? A container to help organize data / a way to efficiently store and retrieve data.

User ----> SQL ----> Database


  • At least 80% - 90% of data analysis work is to wrtie SQL query.
  • Almost every data-related job interviews will test SQL.
  • Most of candidates will fail SQL interviews although they have learned it by themselves.
Database Dataset Model Business Analysis
Oracle/Microsoft/Teradata SAS dataset Regression Excel
AWS/Google/Azure CSV Decision Tree Tableau

Lecture 1.2 SQL的安装和设置

SQL Server Installation


Lecture 1.3 SQL基本语法(SELCT, SORT)

SQL Statements


SELECT first_name, last_name FROM contacts;


INSERT INTO contacts(first_name, last_name) VALUES('Fritz', 'Onion');


UPDATE contacts SET last_name = 'Ahern' WHERE id=1;


DELETE FROM contacts where id = 2;


SELECT prod_id, prod_name, prod_price FROM Products -- this is a comment

#This is also a comment

/* This is selecting mutiple lines
as comments */

Chapter 2: SQL中的筛选和函数使用

Lecture 2.1 使用WHERE语句进行筛选1

Order By Clause: (default ascending sort order) -- Order从句进行column排序

ORDER BY takes the name of one or more columns by which to sort the output.

  • SELECT prod_name FROM Products ORDER BY prod_name; (sort by one single conlumn order)

  • SELECT prod_id, prod_price, prod_name FROM Products ORDER BY prod_price, prod_name; (sort by mutiple columns order)

  • SELECT prod_id, prod_price, prod_name FROM Products ORDER BY 2, 3; (sort by relative position column)

How to order by descending order (降序排列)

SELECT prod_id, prod_price, prod_name FROM Products ORDER BY prod_price DESC;

Filter Data by using Where Clause -- WHERE从句用于筛选数据


  • SELECT prod_name, prod_price FROM Products WHERE prod_price = 3.49;

  • SELECT prod_name, prod_price FROM Products WHERE prod_price BETWEEN 5 AND 10; (inclusive)

  • SELECT * From Customers WHERE Cust_email is not NULL; ("is not NULL" refers to non-empty blank)

  • SELECT prod_name, prod_price FROM Products WHERE vend_id = 'DLL01" AND prod_price <= 4;

Lecture 2.2 使用WHERE语句进行筛选2

SQL processes AND operators before OR operators.(AND放在OR前面)

SELECT prod_name, prod_price FROM Products WHERE (vend_id = 'DLL01' OR vend_id = 'BRS01') AND prod_price >= 10;


IN operators ---> used to specify a range of conditions, any of which can be matched (equivalent to a series of "or")

SELECT prod_name, prod_price, vend_id FROM Products WHERE vend_id IN ('DLL01', 'BRS01');

WildCard Filtering ---> can be only used with text fields (Wildcard筛选)

  • '%' match any number of occurrences of any character (任意位置筛选)

    SELECT prod_id, prod_name FROM Products WHERE prod_name LIKE 'Fish%';

  • '_' macth a single character (固定长度筛选)

    SELECT prod_id, prod_name FROM Products WHERE prod_name LIKE '__inch teddy bear';

Lecture 2.3 常见函数的使用

Rather than retrieve data as it is, what you really want is to retireve converted, calculated, or reformatted data directly from the database.

  • Concatenating Fields: (组合列)

    SELECT concat(vend_name, ' (', vend_country, ') ') FROM Vendors ORDER BY vend_name;

  • Aliases: (命名)

    SELECT concat(vend_name, ' (', vend_country, ') ') AS vend_title FROM Vendors ORDER BY vend_name;

  • Calculation: (计算)

    SELECT quantity * item_price AS total_sales, prod_id, quantity, item_price FROM OrderItems WHERE order_num = 20008;

Use Data Manipulation Functions:

  • Extract part of a strings

    UPPER() ---> SELECT vend_name, UPPER (vend_name) AS vend_name_uppercase FROM Vendors ORDER BY vend_name;

    SUBSTRING() ---> SELECT vend_name, SUBSTRING(vend_name, 1, 4) AS first_4_letters_of_vend_name FROM Vendors ORDER BY vend_name;

  • Datatype converstion

    YEAR() ---> SELECT order_num, order_date FROM Orders WHERE YEAR(order_date) = 2012;

    NOW() ---> SELECT order_num, order_date, NOW() as currentdateandtime FROM Orders;

  • Get current date

    curdate() ---> Return current date as a single column

    datediff(curdate(), order_date) ---> SELECT order_num, order_date NOW() as currentdateandtime, curdate() as curdt, datediff(curdate(), order_date) as dategap FROM Orders;

CASE Expression: (control flow function)

It can be used to conditionally enter into some logic based on the status of a condition being satisfied. Conditions have to be mutually exclusive.

CASE WHEN [value=compare_value] THEN result

  SELECT prod_price,
       case when prod_price < 6 then 'low price'
	     else 'high price'
	     end as price_segment
  FROM Products;

Numeric Functions

These are used to perform mathematical operations on numeric data, for example, returning absolute numbers and performing algebraic calculations.

ABS(), COS(), EXP()....

Chapter 3: 数据的汇总

Lecture 3.1 汇总数据1

Examples of Aggregate Functions

  • Determining the number of rows in a table;
  • Obtaining the sum of a set of rows in a table;
  • Finding the highest, lowest, and average values in a table column

AVG(), COUNT(), MAX(), MIN(), SUM() only five aggregate functions in SQL (Make sure only one column in the bracket)

  • AVG() Function - can be used to return the average value of any function

    SELECT AVG(prod_price) AS avg_price FROM Products WHERE vend_id = 'DLL01';

    有空值的时候跳过空值,所以计算时的total number会有变化

  • COUNT() Function - can determine the number of rows in a table or the number of rows that match a specific criterion

    SELECT COUNT(*) AS num_cust FROM Customers;


    SELECT COUNT(cust_email) AS num_cust FROM Customers;


  • MAX() Function - return the highest value in a specified column

    SELECT MAX(prod_price) AS max_price FROM Products;

  • MIN() Function - return the lowest value in a specified column

    SELECT MIN(prod_price) AS min_price FROM Products;

  • SUM() Function - return the sum of the values in a specific column

    SELECT SUM(quantity) AS items_ordered FROM OrderItems WHERE order_num = 20005;


    SELECT SUM(item_price*quantity) AS total_sales FROM OrderItems WHERE order_num = 20005;


Aggregate on DISTINCT values:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT prod_price) AS count_price FROM Products WHERE vend_id = 'DLL01';




  1. how many records?
  2. whether there are missings?
  3. whether there are dup records?

Solution: SELECT

      COUNT(*)                                  //find records
      COUNT(vend_id)                            //find missing 
      COUNT(DISTINCT vend_id) FROM Products;    //find duplicates

Lecture 3.2 汇总数据2

Groups are created using the GROUP BY clause in your SELECT statement

SELECT  vend_id,
        COUNT(*) AS num_prod
        FROM Products
        GROUP BY vend_id
        ORDER BY num_prods;

Sometimes we call non-aggregated columns as segmentation variables.

You can have more than one non-aggregated columns in SELECT statement, but make sure they are also in GROUP BY. select中的分类变量必须出现在group by里!!!

SELECT  order_num, prod_id,
        FROM OrderItems
        GROUP BY order_num, prod_id;

We can group by using relative position.

SELECT  order_num, prod_id,
        FROM OrderItems
        GROUP BY 1, 2;


We have to use HAVING clause, instead of WHERE clause.

WHERE -- filter before data is grouped

HAVING -- filter after data is grouped

SELECT vend_id, COUNT(*) AS num_prods
        FROM Products
        WHERE prod_price >= 4
        GROUP BY vend_id
        HAVING COUNT(*) > 3;
Clause Description Required
SELECT Columns or expressions to be returned YES
FROM Table to retrieve data from Only if selecting data from a table
WHERE Row-level filtering NO
GROUP BY Group Specification Only if calculating aggregates by group
HAVING Group-level filtering Only if calculating aggregates by group
ORDER BY Output sort order NO

Subquery -- queries that are embedded into other queries

SELECT cust_name, cust_contact
FROM Customers
WHERE cust_id IN (SELECT cust_id
                        FROM Orders
                        WHERE order_num IN (SELECT order_num FROM OrderItems 
                                            WHERE prod_id = 'RGAN101'));

Subquery SELECT statements can only retrieve a single column. Attempting to retrieve multiple columns will return an error.

Chapter 4: Join的使用和进阶

Lecture 4.1 Join的灵活使用1(inner join)

A join is a mechanism used to associate tables within a SELECT statement

SELECT vend_name, prod_name, prod_price 
       FROM Vendors, Products 
       WHERE Vendors.vend_id = Products.vend_id     <--- join condition

The WHERE clause acts as a filter to only include rows that match the specified filter condition.

Without join condition, Cartesion Product will be generated - number of rows retrieved will be the number of rows in the first table multiplied by the number of rows in the second table.

In all types of joins, SQL generates a Cartesian Product first, then eliminates the rows that do not meet the criteria.

Inner Join 定义: Only returns the rows that match across all tables

Two forms:

SELECT * FROM Vendors, Products
WHERE Vendors.vend_id = Products.vend_id;

SELECT * FROM Vendors JOIN Products
WHERE Vendors.vend_id = Products.vend_id;

Join multiple tables:

SELECT prod_name, vend_name, prod_price, quantity FROM OrderItems, Products, Vendors
	WHERE Products.vend_id = Vendors.vend_id
	AND OrderItems.prod_id = Products.prod_id
	AND order_num = 20007;

Using Join is more efficient than subqueries.


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